Warrior Cat Name Guide: Prefixes & Suffixes | Wiki | Warriors Amino (2025)


Created by: TheArtistThatDoesArtSometimes

!!Art Not Mine!!


These are all cannon prefixes and suffixes. No Non-cannon ones aloud. I am open to suggestions as long as they are cannon, I will be checking.




-Acorn-small golden brown

-Adder-dark coloured

-Alder-silver coated or red


-Ant-dark coloured

-Apple-pale brown

-Arch-an arch shape somewhere on their body, suffix normally referring to it

-Ash-grey with flecks of darker grey

-Aspen-silver tabby


-Badger-black and white



-Bee-yellow tabby

-Beech-silver tabby

-Beetle-small & dark


-Birch-light silver tabby

-Bird-light boned


-Blizzard-large white

-Bloom-(f) pretty

-Blossom-(f) pretty


-Blue-greyish blue



-Bracken-brown tabby

-Bramble-brown tabby

-Brave-a brave kit or a brown tabby

-Breeze-(f) delicate


-Bright-pale coloured

-Brindle-(f) tortoiseshell

-Bristle-black or spiky fur

-Broken-a limb with the shape of something broken, best used for renaming


-Bumble-orange tabby





-Chive-dark brown


-Claw-referring to a scar

-Cloud-white & long haired



-Copper-brownish gold


-Crooked-a crooked part of their body, used for renames

-Crouch-good at stalking or something to do with their paws

-Crow-black or dark grey

-Curl-something curly about them

-Curly-something curly about them

-Cypress-thin and lean




-Dapple(d)-(f) tortie or calico

-Dark-black or some dark colour

-Dawn-pale grey or yellow

-Dead-used for renaming

-Deer-looks like a deer


-Doe-light brown or like a deer

-Dove-white or very light grey

-Drift-light gray tabby


-Dusk-grey or golden

-Dust-light brown




-Echo-light gray

-Eel-black or brown

-Ember-red or tortie


-Fallen-light grey splotches or clumsy

-Fallow-light brown

-Fawn-small & light brown

-Feather-long fur

-Fennel-feathery fur



-Fidget-a very fidgety kit (made for the purpose of Fidget Spinners)


-Fin-light brown

-Fire-red or orange

-Flail-large paws

-Flame-red or orange




-Flower-(f) pretty

-Fly-black & small

-Fox-red/looks like a fox

-Freckle-has small flecks




-Furze-splotchy pelt

-Fuzzy-long fur



-Goose-a lanky cat








-Half-partially marked


-Hatch-dark gray

-Haven-black and white


-Hay-pale brown

-Hazel-pale brown

-Heather-pale blue


-Heron-dark brown


-Hollow-hungry as a kit

-Holly-the colour of Holly


-Hoot-dark gray

-Hope-almost died as a kit

-Hound-looks like a dog






-Jagged-used for injury, birth defect or -sharp pelt patterns

-Jay-blue & white

-Jump-good at jumping

-Juniper-dark coated







-Lark-small & brown

-Leaf-tortie or brown


-Lichen-mottled grey







-Long-long in some way

-Loud-was a loud kitten

-Low short legged







-Midge-patchy fur

-Milk-white or light cream


-Mint-grey or colour of mint

-Mist-light grey

-Misty-light grey


-Moon-silver (Don't use! Please)

-Morning-light brown or light ginger



-Moth-brown or grey

-Mottle-patchy colours

-Mouse-brown or grey

-Mouth-to do with the mouth





-Nettle-blue or Spiky furred






-Oat-pale brownish

-One-the only kit


-Owl-grey, brown or black


-Pale-black and white

-Parsley-feathery fur

-Patch-has patches

-Pear-pale gold

-Pebble-small and grey or brown

-Perch-black, gray or silver


-Pigeon-grey or white





-Poppy-tortie, tall


-Prickle-short prickly fur

-Primrose-light brown

-Puddle-white and another colour


-Quail-brown and black spotted tabby



-Ragged-ragged pelt


-Rat-black or dark brown



-Reed-slender and brown

-Ripple-a classic tabby



-Rose-pale tan



-Running-brown, dark brown or light grey

-Rush-slender and brown





-Sand-pale ginger

-Sandy-pale ginger






-Sheep-White and fluffy





-Shred-used for renames


-Shy-a shy kit


-Skunk-black and white




-Slight-something slightly different about the cat then the rest of their body, suffix naming that body part




-Snail-brown tabby


-Sneeze-sneezes a lot

-Snip-black with a little bit of white


-Soft-white and pale brown

-Song-light brown tabby


-Sorrel-any kind of brown or torties

-Spark-orange or red

-Sparrow-light brown

-Speckle-is speckled


-Spike-dark gray with spiky fur

-Splash-splashes of colour

-Speckle-has speckles

-Spotted-has spots

-Squirrel-red or orange


-Starling-dark brown or black

-Stem-short and brown

-Stoat-brown with light belly



-Strike-brown tabby

-Striped-has stripes

-Stumpy-something stumpy about them



-Swallow-black, gray or brown tabby

-Sweet-a cat who's sweet, kind

-Swift-black and white



-Talon-grey or brown

-Tangle-spiky knotty fur

-Tansy-yellowish gold


-Thistle-blue or grey

-Thorn-brown tabby


-Tiger-tabby and large




-Torn-referring to a scar


-Tumble-a clumsy kit

-Twig-brown or small





-Violet-black and white or born around the smell of violet

-Vixen-reserved, independent, pelt color like a fox/vixen, clever, smart



-Wasp-thin and golden tabby

-Wave-light gray




-Wet-dark fur

-Whisker-has a lot of whiskers


-Whorl-gray and white

-Wild-multi coloured coat woth random wild patches

-Willow-lightly built and brown


-Wish-almost died as a kit



-Wren-brown small




-Yarrow-yellow and white









-Bark-a very snappy and short tempered cat

-Bee-has black noticeable stripes

-Belly-(m, sometimes f) a jovial cat

-Berry-a small sweet cat

-Bird-a skilled hunter in trees

-Blaze-a cat who is passionate about all they do


-Breeze-(mainly m) fast

-Briar-(f) feminine and resilient

-Bright-often very happy

-Brook-dark brown

-Burr-long think fur that is often very knotty



-Claw-a warrior that is very skilled with their claws

-Cloud-a dreamer, and a lover, an idealist, or a cat with very thick, very thick and puffy coat

-Creek-a graceful cat


-Dapple-(f) a tortoiseshell cat of some sort

-Dawn-a serene and meditative cat

-Drop-good at attacking from above

-Dusk-a quite cat that has many secrets

-Dust-has a clouded personality but can become clear at times


-Ear-a cat with very good hearing

-Eye-a cat who notices things or has good eyesight, also used in name changes

-Eyes-same a Eye


-Face-a very practical cat

-Fall-a cat who is adept at attacking from above

-Fang-a skilled hunter

-Fern-(f) a tabby

-Feather-long fur

-Fire-a cat who is passionate in all things


-Flame-a cat who has a bright spirit that warms those around them

-Flight-(mainly f, sometimes m) a fleet footed cat

-Flower-(mainly f) feminine and motherly

-Foot-fast, injury or colour

-Frost-a cat who is cold, calculating and very manipulative, very logical

-Fur-refers back to the prefix, fur of a certain colour


-Gorse-a sandy scruffy pelt


-Hawk-swift with good eye sight

-Heart-loyal and brave




-Jaw-relating to the jaw




-Leaf-medicine cat who is very good at their job

-Leap-a cat who is good at jumping

-Leg-works best with colour, size or animal prefixes. To do with legs

-Light-a cat who's spirit is uncommonly bright


-Mask-has a different colour fit around the eyes or face

-Mist-light grey

-Moon-has a very shining personality

-Mouse-acts sort of like a mouse


-Nose-a good tracker or a highly curious cat




-Pad-something to do with their pads, prefix will clarify


-Pelt-refers to the prefix, quality or colour of the fur

-Petal-(f) A delicate looking feminine cat

-Pool-(f, rarely m) a clam cat, who is not easily riled

-Poppy-(f) a tortoiseshell who is very motherly and kind

-Pounce-a skilled hunter

-Puddle-a cat who has patches of colour, the prefix would refer to the colour of said patches




-Runner-a swift cat


-Scar-used mainly in renames, has a scar or scars that r highly noticeable

-Seed-has grown from what they used to act like

-Shade-a cat who is stealthy, or good at subterfuge

-Shine-very bright and good at reflecting

-Sky-a cat who is a skilled climber

-Skip-doesn't think things through

-Slip-clumsy or talks a lot

-Snout-a cat who has something noticeable about their muzzle

-Snow-a cat with something white about them

-Song-(f rarely m) a graceful voice

-Speck-a cat with a tickled coat

-Speckle-a cat with a tickled coat

-Spirit-a cat who is often high spirited

-Splash-good swimmer

-Spring-good at jumping/hunting (NEVER referring to the season, EVER)

-Spot(s)-has spots, a spotted tabby



-Stem-referring to size (short) or having growing dreams

-Step-refer to the prefix and means "steps like"

-Stone-a cold hearted cat

-Storm-a cat with an unpredictable temper, and a berserker in battle

-Steam-a swift cat that is very social, can also depend on the fur pattern

-Stripe-a tabby


-Tail-a cat with good balance

-Talon-a cat with very large claws

-Thistle-a witty, intelligent and sarcastic cat


-Throat-referring to something easily visible about their throat

-Tooth-a skilled hunter

-Toe-a cat that is very steady

-Tuft-longer fur, that is most noticeable at the extremes






-Watcher-observant or wise

-Water-doesn't think things through or referring to white

-Weed-often very tangled and confused

-Whisker-a intuitive and sensitive cat

-Whisper-a very quiet cat


-Wing-a light hearted or flighty cat


-Wish-(f) an optimist







Warrior Cat Name Guide: Prefixes & Suffixes | Wiki | Warriors Amino (2025)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.