I A A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. to 8300 SAVED -NOTICE TO BUYS1 If you want a genuine business of kind apply to Market the street. reliable office of W. F. CPONT bouse.
$750 Partner in man tecturinz business 8125 to earb per month. NBOD. $250-Partner in A No. carb commisdon business. ciears 840 ea.b par month, sure.
8800 Milk route: clear ng $100 per month, saloon no night work. $450 -Cash grocery at Involce price. BOON- STORES $200 TO $2.000 ART prices 100 to 2,006 enifer saloons 150 to 1,003 ON 10 restaurants. Cr 300 to 2,500 the bay 10 fruit stores pr PeR 200 to 700 641 Clay, 6 grocery stores 40.) to 3,000 DUSE, 16 branch bakeries prices 100 810 to 5,000 ine gar- 10 barding-Douses 100 to 5.000 aly between need 20 For sale by DECKER PA SOTT, 850 Market. Dri to 190N STEADY.
INDUSTRIOCS MAN $250. place of retiring partner ty DUGH light manufacturing an 1 store business: clears beauti- pastrively $150 per mouth: knowledge Go of the ay. business Do bet, in list be suber, steady MAD. Apply 352 Third street. MIGHT strict.
STORE: LOU A TED ON A $300. prominent street: fine -NICE tra le: 2 rooms attached. low great bar. J. W.
DONNELLY. 44 Kearny street. TWIN WITH THRFE ROOMS: hot and $150. large stock of statiunery, crockery, cat. Th good lot Lou; a AND mate COLLINS 5 St A AtOD verrero, BARBERSHOP GILROY.
ALL LES TO 8500 two bath room-: Incation see OuT Postoffice, bank, and best hotel 1 in city, mery st. Apply to DUNLAP LUCK. G.lroy. al. OF busi- WEDLAT.
898 in the otice in a LAT OF 5600. OPENING -PARTNER Lass white male and employment NEW in this city: both well and establisbed. rountry. and baving a Ke trade in etty Bare nen tu frat at Iras: $125 per month to ree Apply inin 10 nix Sunday work; no turther investinent street one of the will resent be Where vouched is tor leaving Rafael. the business investi- by the partne.
and thorough HOUSE I alow-d: business 15 ly learned and sure. ply K. KENNY. 2. hearny street.
rent Te PARINER A WASTE IN 00 manut wuring bu 401 of the lates: 1. -d D.a unery; APTED run steam power PR 10 to store bends waking A article thai is sold here: clearing $-50 to 8 4)0 a month, Apply A to W. DONNELLY. 44 Kearny st. NON.
217 bolesale A FANCY ther par- bu coupire: 200- CRU, 510 paying business M. LA 230 Kearny. 1st FOR SALE: A MILK ROUTE FINE 31500. In 1. In ting 15 COWA.
2 J. bulls, 2 calVes, 2 fino 2 wagons, harDess, etc. J. W' DONNELI 34 Kearny. OT AND stages for 1500 HOCSE AND TERN -one of in city in 1-57: pays $1500 per of sick gess.
0. Market street, LET. BUY.IF TAKEN IN TILE (BE, SIX 14) 11 dat 8 well town of established South.50000 a zrowing ria. fastu. vearly proht Dearly RISHED the tai has best of Cal! an aidress A DAMS Na tonal City, Cal.
It 0. TO INVENT IN 310.000 All business where I aLit TOASTIA DIS money SNIHI an. a fu re nuneration me I am of BI marred; have bad A able interview nudent.ar if desired. Address box 40, HOTS cka from thin o.the. Taylor FINE OPENING FOR MAN OF GOLDEN UPLIL in -sate than facturing 'tal business, reA with who ca shout 84 MI only need apply LEY.
A Adirpo 1 NEWSPAPER WITH ABOUT Aj ply ran a in: rest in a prosperer polishing a NISH'D -vander press. strain power. city riew. vD: only 1 paper: pr, Fir to al. c.p er entire 11: -r a .112 part HAW LET.
120 Bat ery -an Prated 1 ALLEY WITH FIXTURES. INE OF. Street. To LET ON ONE OF DE with all r. Do 1143 street.
8' BiT a. THRON Cas der STORE FOR I.E. $2500: vul at a eat disaL alth lie tit* pre Adria Store. theiu8 Hue to a drug store 1:1 is situate1 rthern tress Dr. D.
43 this office. 73 1 LOAK Mark -tre Jus 0 1 et. br 1 24. this utter. prop -TORE AND bulling withvet.
laquir. 8 sed -INESS IN stuck. the Ani store in iDde stock r- a 10 allend to broad tor tour ars U. Eureka Hamb Idt ROPER are a I CORNER le install aid bakery to lian 1639 street. nd A las SALE TIN AND STOVE In the erous ReCTIOD L'OK EluliT Rain Mater: rupt 5 La- L'OR SALE FURNITURE 01 pay this Address A PLACE bOx 112, 1,05 low- fur FLEAVING Onk lat.
1. ness 11: DE with the beat of 8-001 tie box 0. LI Do ALP I- here PR AT ON small Capital, best bast. Allress C. 501 11:13 attic.
STORE FOR SALE GOOD location in a own, 11 co trade. to MINZ 543 Market st, Apply FIJ.I TIN AND HARDWARE rrant. 111 one of the bast towns in the Baldwin -tale off red at sarther on of owners to IP estate. CAMAS G. W.
339 Kearny street den od an. FOR SALE- A HANDSOME coca the THE w.il bed And Prin Tally locates. 9., tbis office. DEN RESPONSIBLE MAN rU PIE and hotel in live railroad 7 WANT furniture and assure tease of des'r able paying 4 San Francis brick suit ely groan is, turn re al suction FFL F. Voice abou: A Colton Or selling 3:39 Kearny refer in den tOR i.e.
N. NICELY FURNISHED. GEN special 15 1 satisfactory rpasons given de la use for selli full of ly-paying room. simpie, eTA Address A box 53. this ottoe.
1 teeth Tracting 100 6 BASE Ane fat. see It. 500 2 Tools. Market street. 1,0: M) HOVEL -5: Market si must sell.
3,50.) 11 rooms; clear: $75 It. .500 CARNY 30 011 Kearny 2,504) M) ate. 24 tine bon. ank-douse. 3.2 on one four 1,500 MAR 200 other houses: price $200 to $25 0 ancisco.
Apply to KER SCOTT. 850 Market 41. NEW A GREAT BAR AIN IN LODGING price, hOuse, call and sue us and learn COLLINS, particular Stockbe, East must sell BLAKELY 5 ton street AND 8. ELEGANT side. al sacr HOUSE bee; ON block.
cable line, sunny a blocks from Kearny: best bargain to the TEETH J. W. LAYMAN 29 Kearny street. teeth SPLENDID HOUSE FOR Market A sale. walnut furniture Roxbury catpets, lete dining and kitchen be soli at a great bargain.
and part cash In utre on the premises, 115 Tavlor ARTH. survet, or J. W. LAYMANCE. 99 Kearny st.
new HiRect pat at 16 ROOM HOUSE WELL FURNISHED hand and ADELAIDE, Taylor; nunst this be s. 14. onbce Address A or $10 HA. stuck of HO 2. ROOMS.
NORTH price. to of Market street; central location; hand to real furnished: full of boarders: rare up: Mar $35 10 cash; no agents Address LOVELL. box 80, this office. PIANO. MALE GREAT BARGAIN.
ELFtrust be gant furul-hed house, 12 rooms with every convealenoe; rent low; family going to EuF MAU'. rope. For articulara addres 40 Eddy street. treet. DOR RENT-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BAR- house.
20 rooms, to responsible parties: ket st. coutral location. Address SONORA, 50, this ottice. HM Market. FURNITURE FOR SALE.
88 tP Da. I.L PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN ure: on instaliments you can furnish your GENCY. be dwe as cheap as for cash. the extensive F. furniture and carpet bouse of W.
J. HENEY LEAD- 20 aLd 22 street. ck: low PARLOR AND THAMBER to nt are on terins al call easy r's st. near Gough. BART.
BROTHER PHASE. A AND FURNITURE- NEW and good as PA terms; price. LMOST LUNDY, 829 and 839 Market street. a street. COUNTRY BUYERS WISHING SECONDESTEY hand furniture or carpets at reduced prices pianos coil at 110 Fourth street; satisfaction guaranBENJ.
teed or money refunded: goo is shipped free. LOR SALE-A NEW AND ELEGANTLY ABLER turnished bay dat. containing sit I White rooms and bath: on Geary street, pear Polk. 06 Post For Particulars apply 14 Post street. UST BE INSTALLMENT PLAN FUR wood mantel-, pulpits, on en47 terms.
FURNITURE GERS PANY (Gilbert Moure), 18 and 20 Sutter st. TEW FURNITURE OF SIX SUNNY tells and both. for sale. 205 marworth street. a show's $1: rock prices in househ id furniture, And OF tor Mission stoles and disks, carpets, for rash or on easy ments.
go to T. H. NELSON. 132-136 taught. CR: RE CARPETS.
Market. OHIREK CO'S REDUCTION SALE Yon FOR ition of fers great inducements to close buyers. tokens can bay: ed: Ice, Box Smith's bury best Brussels, Brussels, sewed sewed and and laid. per yd Crows Tapestry Brussels, sewed and AND laid per yd M. Oak Japanese Mattings Ingrains.
per yd Yard-wide 25c. per to Flour 25c. per yd Best stair 10c. per per yd DEME- Extra Heavy Stair Carpeting. enth st.
Elegant Curtain-poles, complete, cach cluding Draper; Oaki'd. ROLO 1 Gilt -b rollers order cach Window spring Spectal-100 body Brussels Market remnants. street, si opposite esch ER OP SHIRER 783 st. DuDont 3 to hr I ROOMS TO LET. 1 for tourists; ALMONTE thoroughly HOUSE: renovated; HOME sunny vaita; single; 66 to $40: transient.
6 (New O'PARRELL, management)-Newly CORNER GRANT furnished AVE or antarnisbed rooms; also office rooms. Apply from 2 to 6 P. M. 6 rooms: TURK, first CORNER door; bot MARKET water: elevator. -SUNNY 11 Tourista KEARNY visiting the (BASSETTE city will find OF handsomely farnished rooms at reasonable prices.
12 or ELLIS month; with TRANSIENT: piano. M. DAY. GRANT. WEEK 19 sunny rooms THREE housekeeping.
UNFURNISHED 20 rooms, furnished PLACE -THREE hous-keeping. SUNNY 20 NINTH- furnished NEW sunny suits HOUSE and AND rooms. NEWLY 22 FIFTH rooms -SUITS, all sunny. SINGLE MRS. AND BOOTHBY.
34 nished KEARNY rooms: OFFICES AND FUREDDY- NEWLY FURNISHED SUITS 31 and single rooms; transients accomod't'd. 37 CORNER ruoms: light: KEARNY-UNFUR- sunny: $50: sulta or sugie. 112 FOURTH neatly firaished. 120 SEA NICELY 623, 816. 142 EDDY- ELEGANT FIR 120 A 8.50 rooms; nice bone.
LARGE SUNNY BASE122 men: for 2: also suit: reasonable. 122 single MISS FURNISHED DWELL AND 130 GOLDEN GATE- SUNNY 128 front Dew's firnislied. 129 SE. room-, ON furnished rwo for J.A POE housekeeping. SUNNY ALLISTER OPP.
NEW CITY 138 Hail--I, wer Moor, f.r housekeeping for two; acant August 119 the TAYLOR day, senk or FURNISHED mouth. ROOMS, FURNISHED 209 rooms and board optional. POST BEAUTIFULLY FURNISH215 ed roomie single or en suite: sun all da, pa.b: gentlemen, or familles from the country. ROOMS: 217 jarl rent low BUSH NNY ROOMS BY DAY. 23 1 week or month.
MAJOR Prop. TWO LARGE HAND 236 some a Inns parlo-s: connecting to ing: Louise ng BUSH ADJOINING RUSS 314 A Uran with roots, the day, week or MR. PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS 317 With elegant front parlor turntaned or unz arul-bed with carpets aud curtains. TW UNFURNI319 PoODE: arpoted: bay gar: ith. ANDSOMILY FUR323 nisbet parlor and be trovin, with piano: also single rooms: rent reasonable.
KEEPING 324 al-. singie ubie roo. us. EN GATE AVEtrout sil of 2 010 tu Tr5 mi the gas and doe nt moderate. 1.
THIEF R- 328 shed 1GE EDDY PARLOR FI. OR FOR 332 of MINNA- ARE SUNNY ROOMS 366 ale tent 100 SEAR 2:. ani 9 :1 all throw.h sunny, sults or mu.table for 4 tor OR OF FOUR 409 MAN nib tor light hour P. 114 here bath: as ta GHA R1 H45 CHAN-LI HANDS 119 Lam! ru mar jet. Bill g.or en FRONT -ITT 120 with for or Helen: al- ale POS AVE RIM FOR MAN 505 an $15 per I' I 4 11 007 Den.v turn tor FiR gas, THIEF IT 510 tor OF THREE 515 0 A fora UR POWELL BIN PRIM 607 Kearny from B.
park it butt. etc. terms nod rat pro fan. 'y F. NI-HED 612 ALIEN DO BI.E ANI 614 -ingle ro furnished Dice re.
EARL 6203 su: Rh tor do PT 6271 that. FI 63301 111 I.A 706 411 rooms; baths fre 50 cents per front FAR POW FLI 731 Pe HOW 81 PER WEEK 737 And per 25 5.1 $1. All Dish: ran lave the kitchen and din 5 of cheap TOS fur HARRISON 180 SUNNY ROOMS FLAT FOR 601 4 bast, stor p*rn and tent low THREE 610 PX rooms. $23: POLK-SUNNY TORNI-HED FLAT 911 for -EMENT, FOR bildren HOWARD FURNISHED 916 rooms for ho also singie. -SUNNY.
FURNISHED ROOMS 921 for housek ing Tus 931 rooms. 50. 82. NEWLY 52 50. per FURNISITED week MARKET FURNISHED ROOM1013 for also angle rooms.
GOLDES GATE AVE OR BU 1059 tr ut furnished Pi use of kitcuen TIER TILE DANBRIDGE 1111 lan turn.i-lied rooms, suitable for familes and gentlemara: tran-ent. BISH. COR HYDE ELEGANT 1137 Poonis on dining do wis tinted: botande li water: dne Coca: lou. rook ng: references exchange 1. AT.
CORNER EIGHTH 12033 or slugle rooms. housekee, ing NANS AVE -SUNNY FRONT 1108 MN private family: hoard. KTON. CORNER FILBERT 1701 Two roolly complete for Lousekeeping. TURK -FURNISHED PORHOUSE 1717 4.
in private residence. a han l- sonde bav-window Ant. front ng ou two atrecta, 4 rooms, kitchen and batn; two beds; 1.11-t be seen to be app 830 and 336. Apply 4 Me Alliter street car to Scott ROW THEE SUNNY RAY 1943 window rooms for bouse Areping. SUNNY PARLOR SUIT 2021 miso single ac rss.bie to four lines of cars: private FURNISHED SUITS AND angl- rooms, wit revery enience and of a private Lome: situated on Rincon Hill.
commanding a Ane rick of tac bay and references required. Ad ire ll: LL, box 94, this u'tice ROOM IN PRIVATE FOR one or two, g-ntlanen comrally lo rated. Add. box 96, this office. SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS.
complete for housekeeping: 822 50: or furniture for sale: $65: rent. $16. 117 Jones st. HOUSE. FOURTH AND MIS REVERE Transent; quiet roums.
HOUSE. KEARNY NEW. furuished rooms: transient accommod' TO L'ONEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BE tween Sixth and opened: everything per nihi. 33c. 10 81; per week.
81 50 to 85: open al, nigit: families OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARD. OAKLAND ELEGANT 561 ly furaished room for one or two gents rooms for light bous seeping. A bani SUNNY street, FRONT Center ROOM-1054 LA MEDA NEW FLAT OF FIVE convenient sunny rooms: also. 2 furnished THo us Inquire at minrket al Bay -street ton. bread kange ratiroud.
bLAKE HOUSE. 1039 WASHINGTON creet, Oakian 1. Toe Blake Houve is supplied by pure and water from a spring on the precises: the grounds are exto st.o: rooms lurge and Well table ciceurot: terms reasonable. RISKY MOUSE-TELEGRAPH stito ner and winter resort for familles: of cottages, gardens and plargrounds: best acrominoiations ou reasonable terms. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.
A. H. 309 street, rooms 11 and 12. CHARLES B. DARWIN (LATE OF DARwin Murphy), 636 Clay, rooms 17 to 20.
A. KNIGHT. law, Montgomery H. VIS, ATTORNEY -ATlaw, California street; advice free. JOHN 509 R.
Kearny AITKEN, bet. California and A Sac'unto. I SUMMER RESORTS. A FEW board, at COTTAGE Tamalpais VIRONMS county: WITH fifty minutes from 8. via Saucelito; salt water bathing.
J. JACKSON. A located OT warm PICNIC Santa GROUNDS, sips at Alma, on line of South Pacific Coast private Railroad; fish romantic scenery; bathing: hunting: ponds for families: deer hounds constantly on band: soda, iron and sulphur springs connected; entirely free from fogs; 88 to $10 per week; special rates for famil es; correspondence answered JOHN G. FLOYD, proprietor. A Hotel.
FAMOUS Haywards, HOSTELERY Alameda county, HAYWARD 20 miles from San Francisco: time 1 hour: eytable climate: no malaria: superb table; reasonable terms. Address A. WILDER, proprie or. A grounds, milk, cream. BOARD, Everett LARGE street, corner Eagle aveude, broad gauge.
l'ark street. HOT MINERAL SPRINGS- THE Ems of cures all curable diseases; reduced rates balance of the season. Write to W' H. LIDELL, Etpa Springs, Na, a county, Cal. CYPRESS board, LAWN FRUIT FARM, NEAR Napa: $7 per week, and taken to and from train free: pleasant grounds; fine clinate: plenty of fruit.
regetables, milk, etc. Adiress 150X 286. Napa. Cal. I LENWOOD MOUNTAIN HOUSE (FORmerty Glenwoud resort 1 the must beautiful part of the Santa ('raz scenery and climate unrivaled: elevation 1400 leet: fine views of Monterey hay and ocean: stage to Santa (ruz beach almo-1 daily: billiards.
cronquet, Ato ting and fishing: bot and cold mineral baths free to guests: table Arst claws Stage meets 8.30 M. train daily, also 2:30 P. M. train on Saturdays. J.
N. LUFF. Glenwood, banta Cruz county, ('al, SPRINGS. LAKE COUNTY, (al. Tbe summer and winter bealth and pleasure resort of the Pacific coast: the waters.
chinate and "The of this, Nature's wont Deed ouly to he SPPD tr fair way crated: tourists are est for the dis his place before whole leaving Ange cottage and tent accommodations at rates: post. express and livery at hotel: telegraph and telephone via Kelseyville: route from Sau Fran(1800 via Tiburon and Coverdale: 9 hours from city. For analysis, testimonials and full particulars send to DR. C. M.
BATES, owner and proprietor. DE REDWOOD. SANTA CRUZ H' mountains. For particulars. address Myron S.
Cox, Laurel postoffice, Santa Cruz ('o. INWOOD-AT THIS CHARMING RFsort a few more boarders can be accommo dated. D. SHELDON, Sebastopol Postotlice, Sonoma county. GLEN FRUIT FARM.
SANTA a Cruz mountains: dell lous cherres and other frutt: milk: creau. I. DAKIN, 50quel, MARK- an IS. iron: terms SONOMA 89 AS AnY ro-ort in the State: good bunting: send for cirenlar. MANICOTH (a.
Th. HOTEL, hotel 19 CALA- delig'itTally situated in the rerv mulet of the ens, making the wa.ks them enjosable and the hotel a are nr-t-class: livery-s able, office, express office and calav-ras group em! race, the alaveras and South Park groves. containing 1450 big trees: -take for Yosemite valley leaves dally JAMES I SPERRY. (IM ner and Proprietor. T.
T. WALTON. Agent. H- Monty street. San Francisco.
M' SeE A And HOUSE- FINESEA board. MO- $6 8 Address E. WIENRE, Hal da San Mateo co lute. DIEDMONT HOTEL. J.
D. PLITT. PROprietor Park and uunera, Springs: 3 miles from takland: dinners and batches at 8.1 ho irs, horse cars eireet to the hot conbe tin at Washington -treet. corner se: ram ianel: with F. and land.
special Ace. for ate par is. MMER HOME FARM. -ANTA CRUZ Relwood shooting. tishinK.
DE c.vam and fruit: 8.30 daily, and Saur 110 2 0. take telephone line to ml.u trated free: phir graphs at fetry Jan B. C. BROWN. Gl THE WEEKLY SI 5.
per anD single c*nts. Suid Nil TELOW FARM 0.14 SI tale tr NOT GLEN. Fare, 45. me Poo bathing: to an 1 Dot re is bra anal Glen. sh*tE A FARM.
NEAR CLOVERdair the Mills. Address H. HIATI. (To, er cal WAN HOTEL- 85 -THE neck. HEALTHIEST Address L.
PIPER homa HUIEL ARRIVALS. PALACE MOTEL I Retarde Ar' Zona Jus Burton. kp HA Max 1-9 Dew 12: arson PLaid IT la W. la 7:7008 1:1 1 Man-entw. 1.0€ Ang N.
do John -kae. oty Brat oni. L. city HM Year cu. the M.
Rafari Tom'. Dir Ga Jr. La te Kors Cal um. late PIe: hie MisS th. AMIE EXCHANGE Par Puri ima H.
try or Kan A Te. As Mour 4 Inu. Mason. Hal. Stork.
on Arians Most Wu.r Met nit ugh. FO OT 1 1, In Franey w. St De, r-4. Detroit 100 Van Lear, do MI- seary. Lexing w.
la he. Ba do Denn. Ar a 8. Courtland Forman, Chico 1,00 I. boll, Stockton Monas M.
Kian do DraMJ Coot us. can' da Ira PonDer, Bough and Ready GRAND ROTEL Winchell, Vallejo Buckler. Stu kton W' IL Tubbs.tw. Mrs Barry. Sarto Harringto Mra Barry.
10 tilber: ToLipk Do, San Ang Leandro 0114. Mosher. do L. Andrews. Sn Jos.
acarille 11 Parker. Sacto bkiss. Lk Mailer Walnt Fra er w. City MIs. I Taser.
do Burton. Alameda A Chapwand w.San Halt w. Boston Gabriel Place. 1. Kenzie, Tack sn It mi lil.
thak and ker. Atlador BU do Miss Wis Fal do (' do (' Sonoma Prindle.tw. Har. P-nit Mic A Brindle, do Schwab. Denver I Prindie.
do I. Sporry. Vase Geo Oros I Craz. Woodland Mcuarves. Isiah Rail Atlanta has Yolo AH Hightower 10 ru Napa E.
Per ed Al 99 Man Ware.do A Breston. Jamesto A Watt, do Ford. kland BALDWIN HOTEL Moore, 15 Ball nger. Ellas Houston Ire An DIT IN, vity ill Ha Dieg canon. 00 Penicia Rosenberg.
Hol'ist'r Bling. iatbrop A Wels. England Want, oakian! 0 Dement. 880 JD Loud n. Stockton M.rs I Wolnd do McMahan, al HOUSE (' Albrect v.
Men loc Tray f. Oakland Mrs matrander, Merced Curtis w. do A Smah. Red Fel Tracy w. San Da kson.
Vacati Clark. Williams Sore- Auburn Beechinz. lucinti Winsell, Redding I Maltier. Modesto MisS Prim, do Na, a Mrs A Drew. do IF keef, Suwan A Harrison, Landg Brown.
do 4 Ferguson, Denver Van 1. St Helena hope, Eureka A Bellicke, Mu'e-10 Rose, do Islip w. 40 Reed, San Diego rant. San Berndino Mr. Taser, bluff Max.
e.to Smith, Idaho McDonald. Hall. Hould burg w. Wodld lower, Nato Mi4s Steph De. do an.
St Iciena Die Dens, do rmauson, do Miss Steph. ns, do Sprague, Bo Mr. Moore. Chicago Mice Ballard, Wodld Clark. San Jose A Spark, Canay Val Gregs.
William I Red: tick. Dit Repperden. Madera BJ Davis. Santa Ross Forzran. San Jose In.
Late Farnell. Mills McClelland. Cru. Jackson, Wichita Swin W. ('hicag Ta Tuttle, do Warman w.
do T. Bates, Baxter Lechent. New York Bates, do Murtinitch, Fresno, Ballard, Woo lland Mra Ron do 4 Doruda w. Borden Leplay. A ma lor Ohio Mr.
leastn Bowman, Santord. ('kiah Burke. Idaho Winn, Kelseyville Braham, St Louts Miller. Jackson lawrence, Texas Graham. St James (luff, do Beard Modesto Jest lle, Drake.
Portland Stanley, Mar sville Johnson, You Bet Bernard, Ventura I. Johnson, do Bond. Nerada City Mra Nev If Clark. 8 Berndino Linn. College tity 4 McElvirin, do W' Duncan.
Wilox4 COUNTING BANANAS. How Fruit- Dealers of New York Accomplish the Task. New York Msil and Express. An old. mao, a paper of pins and a wag.
on -load of bananas engaged the attention of a reporter for the Mail and Express this morning on South street, and be stopped and watched the old man 85 be silentir stack pin after pin into the ripe red fruit and then drew them out agaia and mado notes on a pod. What are you doing: testing the fruit asked the reporter. No. I am counting bananas, that'e returned the old man. But why not hold them up and count them you try it yourself." The reporter then picked up a bunch of bright red bananas that the old man had already counted, and running it over, said exultingly, 142.
Try again," said the banana-dealer, never looking up from his work. The reporter did so, and this time counted 170. Again he tried and made the number 153. Now," said the old man, "take hold of this paper; there are 200 pins in it. Pat a pin in each banana On the bunch." The work was done.
Well," said the old man, "how many pins hare you got left in the paper? Thirty-three Then there are 167 bananas on that bunch. Sce! That's the way we dealers count." 4. 1 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1887. much care as she did her own young. A few days later she captured three young coons an i added them to her family.
At last sccounts the novel family of one mother cat, three kittens, two rabbits and three young coons were living in perfect harmony, all in one nest. STRANGE STORY. The Fictitious Romance of a Boston Girl's Life. Boston Correspondence New York World. On July 19ta last the New York Ilerald published conspi.
nonsly and at much length a sensational story of the lores and misfortunes of two persons alleged to be very well known in Boston society- Mr. Crowinshield and Miss Florence Stone. In the story is was set forth that Miss Stone and Mr. Crowninshield bad been playmates together in childhood and that when Miss Stone grew up to be a young woman she rejected many admirers for the sake of her old friend. Mr.
Crowninshield went to England, where his sister, according to the story, married into the English nobility and be established business, Finally he too married there. Pretty soon his wealth increased 80 fast that be counted himself many times After the birtu of his third child his wife died. He had bought an immeuse piece of property in the North west end he came to this county to look after it. While here, by the merest acci dent be met Miss Stoue. She had been true to her first love if he had not, the story said, and bad matured into a noble specimen of a woman.
He fell in love with her again, propored marriage and W68 BCcepted. He had to go West to perfect the title to his land. and to do that, according to the story, sailed to Calcutta. Elaborate preparations had been made for the wedding. which was to have taken place at St George's Chapel, London.
The date was fixed and even the steamer on which Miss Stone was to sail. A very costly trousseau was ordered from Paris. Mr. Crowuinshield died on the voyage. Miss Stone WAS in New York a few weeks ago, preparing to sail for London, when her banker, a Mr.
Hull, received the news. He broke it to her bluntly. She fainted, and he fled to an outgoing steamer, She has continued very ill ever since. Messages of sympathy from all parts of the United States and even from England had been sent to her. The whole matter turns out to be the Imagination of a diseased brain.
It is intimated that Miss Stone berselt furnished the article to the paper And received pretty round sum for it upon her promise that it would be excusive: but whether that be so or not, it bas resuited in the demonstration of the fact that the young lady is mentally unbalanced, and is Dow in charze of 8 purse in the family -in which she has been employed as a governens for two years-who live on Madison avenue fu Harlem. 10 those wbo know Miss Stone it is a Rad sequel to her life, aDd although a few are exasperated over what they are disposed to term a fiendish piece of decep lion, the majority are inclined to be more charitabie and pity her present condition. I here is Dolbing in her manner to indicate to an dus. specting person that her mind is disturbed, but, from various that have occurred within the past teu years, the conclusion is inevitable that she has been lusane for tuac time. Even the the family with which she bas lived As goveruess in care of their two children-wer" as lunch surprised as any one to arn of her mental condition.
M. -y Fiorence stone is a charming lady of about thirty seven summers, stately and dignitied in carriage and mauser. abe 112 be called bandsome, and she has fine education. Before going to New York ale lived Chestuut hill. n- ar Boston.
and was popular in society there. It 15 believed that while living there she met Casper and was at ouce smitten with an and. the buped for gratification tr at her fond ness would be consummated by union Dot baring been fulfilled, turned her brain. For more than a year pant she has carried on an imaginary correspondence and ruceived imaginary responses to her 10 she p.auded everythiDe thorougbly and surewdly, and her trends and relatives were all made to beneve that it WAS legitimate. Miss Stone related the fret part of the romance to ne.
triends abut her acquaintance witu and the growth of her in Tatiation: then the lovers' quarrel an breaking of tbe engagement. Sue told tucw of their again, of nig go ng away. the renewal of mid early love. and agency to Correspond with her. She told them of his -econd visit to this coumtry.
the proposal of marriage and his necessarily hurried departure for Calcutta to -ettle up business affairs. All of fr. ads were leu to se that their meetings although brief and irregular, as forced by stan e5, Were Not remil: ande-tile. After his supposed going A IT AS ('a came the renewal or respondence The letters she wrote she Wolli real to airs Conu. and then.
al.er walling an length of time. would pretend to bave received a reply, and would read toat. The nAme the ters arranging for their wedding to take W. -5 at tuat aristocratic av, 5t. boodou.
She at one engaged in ber in erest Mr. Hawes- not as errodeously printed the wost thorougnly deceived man in the world. All of the detali: of finance and engag ng passage were left in his bands The engagemeut of passage for her friends on the steamer was def rred, at her muggestion, notil the latest moment, for threAson. as she said. that she would know positive all who were going and would passage fo: al: at the sainet.me.
I ness expenses. as abe rewarked, were at the Wish of her to-be husband Mud to be paid by him. In this she was shrewd, for nad so large 8 party en.a ed passage for the secret atone hare, one out and the woole tuing exploded. About fifty personal preparing to sail on the st alDer Eiruria from Dew York, and had their out made up and had ordered handsome wedding presents for the bride. There is Another who feels that be would like to bave Mr.
p. He is one of Miss Stone's confidentiai friends, a weil-koown banker of this city. who luvested in land which bedves bot want. one of the letters purporting (.) bave been received by Miss Stone 11 was stated that Mr. Crowninshield wanted to honor the memory of the friend of his boyhood days by erecting a church, and wanted Miss Stone to secure the land.
be letter id not contain Mr. Crowninshield's certified check for the needed payment, ADd AS Miss Stone did not have the ready money the frieng advan. ed it. lhat part of the story relating to the reception of telegrams by Mr. Hawes and LO the Astor House scene 18 purely fictitious.
The supposed telegrams were received and read to her friends by Stone. The statement that Mr. Hawes hurriedly took his departure for Europe is also uutrue. He is in New York. As to Miss stone 5 they were a well known tirin of mere out not engaged in banking.
They cashed drafts fo: her to the amouut of about all of which were good and regular. The deception pracused by Mis- Stone was fully discio ed through queer remark which she made. previous to which not the shadow of doubt dawned upon her friends Then they abruptly accused her of duplicity, and with a -terical jauzn she admitted the truth. Placiox her bands to her head. ste aid 'Oh, wh, did I do this For 8 few moments she appeared to be perfectly sane, and then she lapsed into bysterics again.
Iler past was recalled, and several occurrences the past ten ears gave proof of her meusai disturbance. she was once placed in charge of a nurse. anTis being cared for tenderly by the family with whom she l. ves. TICKETS FOR CORPSES.
Fall Fare Required for the Remains of Dead Men. New York World A reporter waiting three minutes in Broadway passebger ageut's office recently oVerheard the following: No, sir, ther. are no balt-rate tickets for corpses. corpse of any Age requires one full class limited ticket, and no baggage can be checked upon that ticket nor can any sip-over check be issued upon it. The corpse must be accompanied by at least one adult person.
It can only be carried on the baggage-car, and in addition to being properly boxed it must be accomLanieu by a certificate of the attending physician to the effect that deceased did not die of any contazious disease, and. scruss the coupon ucket must be written, instead of deceased's signature. the word That is the law upon every railroad in the United States. A passenger is allowed only 150 pounds of baggage. or 73 pounds upon a halfticket.
If you have more than 150 pounds you will hare to pay excess baggage. which charge will amount to from 12 to 13 per cent of the cost of the passenger's ticket. No single piece of baggage must weigh over 250 pounds, or it wiil Dot be taken in the baggage car, but mast gO 88 freight. The interstate law requires railroaus to carry children under 5 years of age, when accompanied by an adult, free. Children over 5 and under 12 years age are carried on a haif-rate ticket.
special rates, under the pew law, may be given to railroad employes, clergymen and on account of charity. To be eligible for this special rate a clergyman must be regularly ordained, permanently located 10 charge of pastorate and be engaged in no other business whatever. Under this law the wives and families of the clergymen are not entitled to any reduction in the regular rate. Special rates cannot now be made to temperance workers or lecturers nor to persons engaged in educational, philanthropical or charitable Work Thank heaven. he's gone," said the agent, turning to the World reporter.
to answer just such questions dozen times a day and have almost had lock jaw in consequence. There's one thing about this Interstate law, though: It's been a godsend to the printers and waste-paper dealers, as every few days the Commissioners are making important changes which necessitate new tariffs and instructions, and the printers are Kept busy, while the junk men grow rich off the superseded matter, which is thrown into the waste-paper baskets of every railroad office of the United 1 note an advance in nearly all grades. Cheese also has zone up. Stock cleans up readily and the market is good all around. Provisions are firm and prices of Hams and Bacon are advancing.
Our quations for Lard remain unchanged. Produce Market. FLOUR--The receipts during the 24 hours ending 10 A. M. yesterday were 5708 gr ska.
Net cash-Family extra, $5 1505 45 8 bbl; Sup, rfine, $3 60; Bakers' extra, $4 75 (4 $5. WHEAT--The receipts at this port during the 24 hours ending at 10 A.M, yesterday were 240.938 etis. including 210,798 ctls from Port Costa. Business is entirely at standstill owing to the recent collapse of the Wheat ring. Business will be resumed in a few days.
For the present quotations are withdrawn. BARLEY--The recetpts at this port during the 24 hours ending at 10 A. M. yesterday were 8478 ctla. We quote No.
1 Feed at ctl: No. 2, 924 No. 1 Brewing, Old, 81 do No. 2, 81 new Br. wing, nominal at 81 02 074.
OATS-We quote Surprise, $1 65; choice Feed, $1 45 1 50: No. 1 Feed, $1 81 45; No. 2 do, $1 new Black. 81 25 30; choice Gray, 81 40. CORN -Small Yellow, 81 ctl; Large Yellow, $1 15; White, 87 30.
HOPS- We quote MIDDLINGS--From 826 50 a 27 ton. BRAN-Quotable at from $24 50 a 25 7 ton. CORNMEAL-Feed, from mill, 50 9 ton. CRACKED CORN- From $26 ton. OIL CAKE -New process, $27 50: old process, $32 50 3 ton from mill.
GROUND BARLEY ton. RYE-Quotable at 81 50.1 55. MIXED 8 ton. BUCKWHEAT-Quotable at $1 20. MILLSTUFFS-Buckwheat Flour, 84c Bh: Grauam Floor, 34c: Rye Flour.
3 Rice Flour. Rye Meal, 34c: Cornmeal, Va meal, Oat Groats, 5c: Buckwheat Gro its. 6c: Hominy. Cracked Farina, Pearl Barley, Flake Pearled Wheat, $3 75 3 case: Oat Flakes, 84 75; Split Peas, California Cut Ontmeal, In bbis, 88: Schumacher's do, Pearl Hominy, in bbls, 88: Capital Mills' new pro cess Buck wheat Flour, in bbla, $8: Breakfast Delight, 83 25 A case; Normal Nutriment, 12 Ibs in case, $2 40. SEEDS -Yellow Mustard, Brown.
Canary, Hemp. 2c; Rape, Timothy, Alfalfa, 7 lb. DRIED PEAS Green, 20; Niles, Blackeye. 15 ctl. BEANS-Small White, $1 3 eti: Pea.
$1 Pink, 01 40 45: Red. 81 45: Bayus. Butter, 90; Lima, $1 25. STRAW -Quotable at bale. HA -Wheat, ton: Oat, $13 50: Wheat and Oat, mixed.
Barley. Wild Oat, Clover. $10 Compressed, Alfalfa, FRUITS- -We quote as follows: Strawberries, A chest. Raspberries. A chest.
4 25 50 Black berries. A chest. 50 Apricots. do basket. 2014 44c Plums.
box. 0c do a basket 25 (9)60: Prines, b.x 5 470c Pears, basket .2 do har 2: do Bartlets. box 50 75c Peaches, 7 do basket 25-440c do raw fords. Apples. box.
2 basket do Crab. Lem Sicil box $6 50107 California. common. box 8243 50 du budded. .82 50 3 50 Grapes.
box do Muscats. box 50 155c do Black 25 260 Rananas, bunch. $1 504 7 box 50 Nectarines. A box. 4)c Limes, Mexican, Cantal upes, cra'e 0.
50 Watermelons, 100 $6:09 Tahiti Oranges, A 75 Pineapples, A dozen $1 DRIED FRUIT Apples, 3d4c for quarters and 4c for ed; Alden an P'lummer, 10a11c: Pears, sliced. 3c: Plams. pitted, unpitted. 213c: Peaches, urpeeled. peeled, machine peeled.
17 Apricot-. eun-dried, Prunes, MQ10c: Nectarines, aC: Black herries, Ha 10c: Raisins, Debesa clusters, 20- horse, fancy. $3: Imperial Cabinet, do, $1 $1 90: 3-crown London Lavers, 81 25:0,1 15: Loose Moscatels, 81 40 1 45 Loose Muscate! bates. 30 81 40: California Valencias. $1 50 c1 75: Cal Lavers, do, 61 50: California Sultanas, do.
91 60; fractions come 25c. 50c and 75c higher for balves, quarters and eighths; th. IN We quote California Almonda, new cron. Tia dc for hard shell end soft: Ivanuis, 6(06' Pecan, 12a14c: Filberta. Te: 10 al1c: Hickory.
alifornia Walnnts, 14c: Pipe Nuts, 12c(a 4c: no anuts. $545 50 100. HONEY-Comb, Extra WhiP. do. Amber.
Extracted. Whit. and new Light Amber. 5 ('an tie-1, 4 4, 4t 5c. DarK to Bright Telion, It.
A We quote as follows: Artichokes, box Ab Age. erl. 50:050 50 acumbers, a bit do Green Corn. IMAX. G.
tc 50 Plant. box. 14) g. Sprouts, fate Turnips. sk 5042 830 Ib.
Garlic. Okra, dry, do green. Carrots, sk. 40 sk Peppers. green.
box. 25 40c Celery, doz. 50 5 M.immer Aquash. box LiPpeD I'PAR, 3 Th Str nz Lima Beans Wax Tomatoes. 25 ONIONS- Yellow.
ctl. POTATOE-WharT prices: Garnet Chiles, Peerless, tarly Rose. 50d 90c. Hi buses: do, in sacks. 50c: Sweet Polatos, la ic Th.
BITTER -Choice, 25 4 26c 7 fancy. 27c fair to good. 2412 26c. C'alifornia Arkin, new new pickled roll, 2 2 4c. to fancy, fair to 2001.
10c: C'alifornia Young A rica. to tauer. 11a: 3-: California. in drums, 124, a 140: New York drum, 14c16c. fa*gS -California store.
dozen: choice ranch. 27 2:8: Eastern, 14 a 1 tc. pair, 81 5021 75 Du dozen. 33 50.25 50; Ilens. Rosters, 50: do young.
$4 5067: 82a3 50: Pigeons, 81 75: Turk live Beas, 16 IL; Gobblers. 12220c. GA MI- Rabbits, $1 25: Fare, 81 50: Dotes, doz: Venison, it. OYSTERS Eastern, $2 100: -tandard do. $1 25: Shoulwater Bay.
82 3 SaCk: canned. $3 5: 5) doz (8:9, PROVISIONS- Hama. 11', for melium Bacon, 10cid ci-ar sides. light. 12 12 extra California 10 6-11 tins, 81, a.9c: lear Pork.
a hbl. 416 hi-btl. extra clear do. 8.6 50.017 bbi: hf-bbl. 50: Mess l'ork.
bbL. 50: hf-bbl. 87 50: extra Family Beef, bbl, hi-bbl. 50: Mons. bbl.
'88 75 9 25: ht-bbl. $9: extra Mess Beef, b'l 89 hf-bul. $6 50: -mol ed Reef, 12 In: Eastern Hams. 144, A. C.
Hams. 16c. HIDES AND SKINS-LOCAI dealers quote pri.es as follow-: Heary Salted Steera, 53 14 and over, 84c th: medium do, 74c: Sulted whides, Salted Kids, Sc: Salted Calf. So: Salted Veal. 8c: Dairy Calf, Dry Hides and Kips.
Dry Hides And Kips, culls or damaged, 10c: Dry Caif, sound. 18c; damaged, prime Hair. Goatskins, 70c: me do. 50c: small Skins, 25c: Kids. 5c: Deerskins, good me tum, 25c; thin and winter, 24c: poor, 15c shearlings, each: Shor Wool.
50c: medium. Long Wool, 25: Butebertown Green Skins sell relatively higher. TALLOW Refined. 5 3 Th for fair common renterwi, in shipping order. country rendered, aC: Soap Grease.
3c. We quote: Men locino and Humboldt. Middle counties. San aquin. Southern 16c Pern Burry, about Northern Barry, less than quotations, San Francisco Meat Market.
The foliowing are slaughterer's prices for whole -First quality, ib; second, tuird, Quotable at fb for wethers; ewes, Spring Lamb--From R. Veal -From for large; small, foot. stock, 16: hard STain and fat, dressed, 4c country dressed, 6c. Receipts of Bay Produce FOR 24 HOT RB ENDING AT NOON YESTERDAY Flour. qr 5.708: Hides, 113 heat, cils.
Pelts, 2.3 Barley, ctls 2.931 Salt, tons 10: Butter, ctls. 417 Hay, tons. 411 Cheese, cils. 54 Straw, tons. Tallow, 102 wool, bis 96 B.
an, ska. 554 Hops, Middlings. 50 Sugar-pine, 16 Potatoes, ska 2.546 Powder, 700 Onions. ska. 520 salmon.
ea 334) Lime, bols. 3018 Eggs, dos 1,920 bhis 18 Wine. galls. .26.400 Leather, 32 Brandy. 13.400 Paper, 1.162 FINANCIAL.
Tire National Banks to Report to the Controller. The Washington dispatch in the CHRONICLE of yesterday's issue, announcing that the Controller of the Currency had issued a call upon the National Banks for a report of their condition at the cluse of business on August lat, was the first indication to the officials of the National Banks in this city that reports from them were required, although the order has been daily expected, It will be at least six days before the official order will reach this city, and inquiry among the banks showed that very favorable reports will be forwarded to the Controller. The Information to be embodied in these reports will be valuable shoring bow well the banks are prepared to meet the approaching demands for funds to crops. Vice-President R. A.
Wilson of the California National Bank was questioned by a reporter asto the methods adopted by the Controller to secure regular reports from the various banks in the United States, We receive," said he, at least Ave orders for reports annually, Thus far we have rendered three reportson January 3d, one on March 4th and another on May 13th. The present call will make the fourth, and we may expect another about October or Novembar. In there statements we expiain fully the business transactions of the bank since the last report. At present this bank and the others also, I believe, are doing quite well. Money is in actire demand and we have sufficient supply on hand to satisfy all cells.
In the face of a heavy harvest this will be gratifying intelligence to I do not beliere, howerer, that the demand for Gold and Silver this season will be greater than it has been for years past. The resent Wheat agiation did not aflec: us a particle and will not do The officials of the Crocker- Woolworth Natonal Bank had expected the call of the Controller for some time, and the announcement that it had been made did not a fect them in the least. They reported Money affairs with them to be exceedingly bright and promising, and felt that their report for the past two months' business would show a healthy state of the Califurnia Money markets. Gold and Silver was to be had in plentiful quantities, the latter particularly, the circulation of which has largely increased during the present year. The Eastern Money exchange since January lst has been exceedingly active, more than $10,000,009 having been brought to the State in that time As far as this bank is concerned there is much to show healthy commercial action, which promises to improve materially as the season advances.
President D. Callaghan of the First National Bank said that the demand for Gold and Silver was brisk and that so far the supply wasample to satisfy all calls, In fact many of the banks, both private and National, were holding in reserve large sums for use during the season. Among the sixty correspondents of the First National not an unsatisfactory Anancial report has been received this season, showing that in the rural districts business affairs are in a sattafactory condition. Mr. Callaghan did not beHere that the demands for Money this season would be increased to any great extent.
As far as he knew, the Money market of San Francisco was never in a better condition than it is at prevent. The local Money market Is quotable AS follows: Commercial Loans, 3 cent per Commercial Bills, prime. Call Loans, ,4 Call Loans, mixed securities. Mortgages, prime, taxes paid by lender lender. Mortgages, 2d, taxes paid by New York Sight Drafts.
New York London 60 London Merchants London Bight London Refined Silver, 1 cent Mexican Dollars, nominal. NEW YORK. August 4. -The following are the closing quotations for Government Bonds, U' 8 4s, coupons. N.
Y. Central .108 do 109 Northern Pacific 68 of 95....122 do preferred 59 Am. Express Northwestern Cansdian Pacific. .56 Oregon Impr vmt ..44 Canada Southern. .53 Naviza'o.
.924 Centrul 3 Oregon Transc (. B. Quincy. .139 Pacific 394 Lack. Rock Denver Rio Gr.1274 St.
Paul Erie. 30 Texas Pacife. Lake Shore Union Pec Sc. Louisville Nasb.614 Express 66 Michigan Central. Wells- Fargo Kan.
Tex. 26 Western Union ..733 Money on call was easy, ranging from 4 to 6 per cent: last loan closed at 3 offered. Prime Mercantile Paper, starling Exchange, 80-day bills, $4 814: sight. $4 834 Fine Silver. 951 ounce.
LONDON, August Bonds, 43, 4 29. silver Bullion, 444. Console, Bauk of England rate of interest, 3 7 cent. Eastern and Foreign Markets. NEw YORK.
August -Petroleum-United Pipe Line, 57 4c: refined. crude, Leather -California, Oak, Sole, 24 225c th: Hemlock tanned from California Files, 21c7 21 Dry 194 R20c ID. Pig Iron -No. 1 A.perican, $22. Austrailan Straits, 623.
Borax -California, Ib: concentrated. 5, Ib. California Yell Mustard Seed 11,. Grain freights by steamer to Liverpool 1. CHICAGO.
4. Afternoon BoardBarley -Strong: September, Sh val lers, 85 80; Short Clear. $8 30:05 35; Short Ribs, Receipts of Wheat at the tollowing seven principal Eastern points -Chicago. Minneapolis, Duluth, Tolelc, St. Louis, Kanas City and Milwankee- For 24 bonra, 955.834 bushels: shipments of Wheat from same places for tue same time.
bushels. LIVERPOOL, August 4. Snot Wheat. very heavy. Numbers 1 and Wheat, Standard California, 'ncluding Club White, highest price cti, 59 Red American Spring.
6s 3 yd. Later P. Poo: demand. 1 LANDON, Aug 13: 4. Cargoes on passag An for shipment, 1 dull.
('AT2008 of very quiet. country ins kets, slow. French vountry markets. g.ow. New York St ck Market.
Special Dispatch to the CHRONICT.R NEW YORK, Augut 4. -The announcement by the Secretary of the Treasury that he woull prepay the interest and buy bonds for the sinking fund crentel qui'e 8 scare among the bears this morning. and for soma tine there was a lively scrambling to cover the sharp upward movement, which was also accelerated by liberal purchases for London a. and out-of-town buyers, who were quite as clamoro 15 a3 yesterday. The advance In pries this forencon was fully equal to anychin: tha' has been seen tor me time.
Later, however. th bars froni their scare. mid began to that the rise would Hee with the elimination of the shurt interest. and the re intential buyers put out freak lines on the side. This induced const era le realizing by the smaller traders on the long ade.
and a large proportion of the gains wife wiped out. Rumors that the Ne ads Bank WAS in trouble aide! in producing 8 bad effect. but on a contradiction of the -tories netter tone became apparent. Tho news of the day wAS generally favorable, and touch talk was beard in regard to the settle. Dent of the ca de war, with the onllish uttera.
cos several prominent operators. infused nflence into their followers, and everything is higher to-night. Colurado Coal xe 2 per nt, Northwestern 1. Missouri Parifcla, Oregon Transcontinental 1. Governm-n's are dull, but firm to strong.
Petroleum is dull. opening at 57 bighest lox est 5' closed 57 4c. Sales, 96,200 barrels. California Products at Chicago. Special Dispatch to the CHICAGO, August 4.
-The ('hicago fruit market was quie. to- and prices are steady with the ex eption of Peaches, which were soinewhat lower parly and late. Crawfor.is and Orange 11ag Peaches sell 15 per hot. Columbia Plums, $1 50; German and Gro: Plume bring 81 75: Bartiett sell at $2 50 g2 75. and Beaurre Hardy Pear at $260,2 25 Sweetwater Grapes bring 50, Nectarines have a considerable range a cording to con tition, as the prices ruling are 7.
per crate. No change is noticed Dried Fruits. Now York General Markets. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE NEW YORK, August are in light demand. Coffee -Spot fair Rio is steady at 819: Options are bigher and moderately active, clang firm.
Sales. 62.500 bags. August, 75: Heptember. $17 60; October, $17 15 85: D- ember, 817 30 95; January, $17 17 Sugar- Quiet and generally steady: centrifgal. 5 5-16c: refined, qwet; white extra 5c; confectioners' A.
5.91c: off 5 pow dered, 1-16c: granulated, 5 15 16c. Copper--Weak: Lake, 810 624. Lead Dull: common, $4 Tin- -Dull. 695. MINING STOCKS.
Boston Stock Market. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE BOSTON, August 4. -The following were the closing prices today: Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, 105 Chicago, Barlingion And Quincy, Mexican Central common, do, hond scrip, do, first mortgage borida, The following were the Stock Boards yesterdar: BAN FRANCISCO STOCK MORNING 380 Alta. 2 15 300 Andes 1 35 200 Baum 1 30 850 Belch 200 Belle I 1 15 20 100 Benton 1 51 300 B. 550 Bodie 60: Brophy.
550 195 1:0 Cholla 550 2:042 251 30 V.144@184 140 100 Con Imp 40. 100 Crocker. .90 615 Cro Pt 50 kareka 6- 350 Exche. 1 25 600 Ed Fra. 2 8500 49 350 200 Hendrks 250 10 AFTERNOON 10 325 Alta 100 FOc 500 250 Belcher 950 Belle 150 Benton.
95 400 170 Ballin 1 85 30 450 335 Cr 20 Eureka. 50 Excher. 30 1050 Fd 2 140 320 20 300 50 Iowa. 50 Jus ice 15 Kentek, 2 75; 10J Lady We PACIFIC STOCK MORNING 200 000. 50 250 Belcher.
200 1 1 90 100 Bulwe. 60 0 50 Chollar. 100 300 15 100 Julia ACROSS THE BAY. Careless Executors in Trouble. DISPUTE TE OVER A GIFT DEED.
Two County Clerks Resign -News Notes From Oakland and Alameda. Albert Hammer, in a petition to the Superior Court, makes some very serious charges aga: ast Albert Schmidt and H. Tum Suden, the executors of his father's estate. When Diedrich Hammer of East Oakland died on May 28, 1884, he left will appointing his friends, Schmidt and Tum Suden, bia executors. The will left the income of the property to the widow, provided she should never marry.
Should she marry she was to receive but one-half of the income. Subject to this provision, the estate was bequeathed to Albert Hammer, the petitioner, and a brother, since dead. Hammer asks that the letters issued to Schmidt and Tum Duden be revoked. He alleges that Tum Suden has left everything to Schmidt and that the latter has admitted to petitiuner's attorney that in the three annual accounts which he bas fled there were many false statements and Incorrect entries. Petitioner charges that the $.16 which the account shows was paid to the widow in 1580 and the $340 alleged to have been paid in 1586 were really never paid, and that the executor admits this.
The petitioner avers that his mother married in 1886, but that though under the provisions of the will entitled to but one-half of the income, the executors refuse petitioner his half and permit her to occupy the boine in East Oakland. In consequence of the gravity of the charges, Judge Hamilton has suspended the powers of the executors and ordered them to appear in court on urtist 10th: and show cause who the letters granted them should Dot be revoked UNCERTAIN EVIDENCE. Insufficient Descriptions in Gift Deed Produced in Court. When the gift deed the case of Lever ett vs. Kose Has offered in evidence yesterday the defense raised the point that the description was not su.
AS de. suribed solel; by Dumbers of its and not by metes and vulnds. so that should the paintifs win their case the -bertff could lint levy on any property. Ju Gibsou stated that be be level this position to be correct under receut ruling of the supreine ourt, bait if the plaintiffs were willing to rely on their complaint and evideuce it was their own 50 he admit: ted the deed for what it was worth. County Resign.
Deputy County Clerk Black has resigned his postion in order to go south and look after his landed interests 1D the (HAi valley. Deputy ejerk I. E. Boardman has in order to accept a position in the nit Savings Bank. Binck also resigned as Secretary of the AtheD.
AD OAKLAND ITEMS. All Grove street must be by August List. To date bast been bad. Twenty third avenue have pr. tested against Ina improvement of the street by gradiug all macadam ting.
John Barton, administrator of Benjamin Hobart a estate. has to distribute under the decree up the estate's Affairs. U'D account nf a elicht breakage cf machinery the steamer oakland was delazed forty Ave minutes oft the o'clock trip yesterday morning. Edward Smith, the yo i'hful but ener: retic burglar. pleaded culty tr in the second decree: eater lay, and Judge ne sentenced him serve four years aND.
The Public administrator has completed his admin -tration of the e-tate DJ Perkins, the church who benze1 himself in the city prison, Aud has -320 or The Pacific improvement Company res teriar paid its 8 of to Incel the es of openinz Grove -trvet. This IrAS on some of the Fair property just purchased. Captain J. N. Konvies, admini-trator of the estate of Gorham is.
Know es. deceased. las filed his final account. which showthat 33745 remains for distribution to the widow and chiiiren. William Stewart.
the cop-umptive who cut his throat in Alameda. will be buried by the Ancient arter of I'nited Work men, he having been a member of BrookLyn Lodge of that order. While Frank a hoy. was Ash ing OD Long wharf. he WAS struck by piece of tinder and knocked into the bay a senseless condition.
After he had -ank twice, V. Coffey rescued bim. M. Curtis. the actor, has just pur chased the California Insurauce CoinDAD'S tract at Berkeley, which town he proposes to One of his projects is the establishing of a National Bank.
Henry Johnson, who violently assaulted Josephine White in a Franknu-street yesterday convicted of battery, though he said he was set upon by two men and the woman and acted in selfdefense. H. Gauline, who kept the Michell House at Fruitvale. was yesterlay declared in solvent by Judge tribson, though John Glaze, a creditor. maintained that there IF Ax conspiracy between Gaulue and some of his creditors.
Nathan B. Sutton. a murderer confined in the ounty Jail under septenceof -ath. refused to be vaccinated yesterday when Dr. Burchard was treat.ng the other pris: ODers.
old George Jones, the player of horti7o cheerfully consented to be fed. Oliver Scott, a teamster. was knocked down at the cotton by his team, which started to run AwAY. He lost his Fat and a wallet. After stopping the team he returned and found his hat.
but some on 3 obligingly kept tho wallet It contained $40. The license Inspector reports Atty six salons having closed on account of high liceuse. At a meeting of the Liquor dealers' Association it was determined to coutinue the Sight azainst high license. notwithstanding the coercive threats of some of the Concilmen. Yesterday morning Justice Heashaw allowed Mary Ward.
64 years old. who had been arrested for to ZO her WAY, as she said she 88 on her way to Los Angeles. She got farther than Ninth and Franklin streets. however. where she was again arrested last nigat, bowling drunk.
Mayor Daris bas signed the ordinance reducing peddlers livenses. BE the ordinance the peddlers of game, poultry, fish. fruits, vegetables and farm products are charged $13 and $25 per quarter according as their sales exceed $1500 per quarter or not. other peddlers are charged 850 and $75 per quarter. Lawyer James I.
Crittenden. arrested for maintaining a nuisance by letting his slops run into the gutter, succeeded in having the complaint against him quashed by Justice Henshaw yesterday. Crittenden accuses his neighbor. William Clift, a capitalist, of baring maliciously caused his arres. and hints at a suit for damages.
ALAMEDA NOTES. The Board of Trus.ees meet next Monday evening as Board of Equalization. The now ferr, -boat being constructed for the South Pacide Coast Railway Compans will probably de resdy for launching in a month. Its cost will be 8173,000. The building formerly occupied by the E.ncinal (inb has been purchesed by the proprietor of the Argus, and mored to lots on Centennial avenue, adjoining the pew brick building, and is being fitted up for the occupation of that journal.
The individual named Silra, who has sometimes been referre1 to As the Fortnguese and who has had a varied and checkered matrimonial expert pre. has got out of his last marital entanglement by the divorce court, but has got into one of another kind by being sued by his lawyer for attorney's fees. On Monday last a man boarded a train at Grand street with demijohn of claret wine, which be left on the car platform. Between that station and the next a young man jumped aboad the car, seized the demijobn and jumped off, but was caught by a passer-by. The deed was so daring and dangerous that the owner of the wine refused to prosecute, saying that be was thankful that the would-be thief escaped death.
Mrs. Cole, the wife of a hardcarpenter, having become infecuated with the Salvation Army, started out to take part in its services on Wednesday evening. At the barracks Mr. Cole put in an appearance and ordered her home. Failing to obey, be attempted to force her to do so, and ended by taking her bonnet.
She swore out a warrant and had him arrested for battery. He pleaded guilty and was fined Happy Family. Cincinnati Enquirer. A cat belonging to C. C.
Haupt, who Hires near Millersville, has a litter of three Not being satisfied with this small family she went out and brought in two young rabbits and adopted them as part of her family and nursed them with TRADE AND FINANCE. Receipts of Produce and Merchandise. THE LOCAL COFFEE MARKET. The Produce Market Wheat Still Unsettled Barley Firm--Quotations, Steamers to sall to-day are the George W. Elder for Victoria and way ports, connecting at Port Townsend with the Idaho for Alaska, the Orezon for Astor a and Portland, the Humboid: and the Coos Bay for Eureka and way ports, the Santa Rosa San Diego and way ports and the San Vicente for Monterey and way ports Steamers due to-day are the Columbia from Portland and Astoria, the Los Angeles from San Pedro and way ports and the Crescent City from rescent City, The following ves-eis cleared for Qneenstown yesterday wi full cargoes of Wheat: British ship Crowp of DenmarkWheat.
.....69.824 Lumber. 360 Total $125,683 British ship Pi: W'heat ctls. $116.42) Lumber 17,000 feet 340 Total value. $145,760 British ship Ne: W'heat. 42,211 879.981 Lumber.
.12,000 240 Total value ...280,221 The overland receipta yesterday included 56 ctl: Tobaceo, 49 colla Rope, 242 ctls (beese, 50 cs Soap. 800 Onal Oil, 1846 pcs Fipe, 15 pkgs Hardware, 100 cs Canned Goods, 160 Wine, 2 pkgs Glassware, 1 ca Drugs, 110 Fish. The Coffee Market. The following is taken from R. circular of the 1st The improvement of prices which took place in New York at the beginning of the fortnight, and a consequent good demand for shipment to the Central States, imparted more tune to and strenzth ened prices article in this market.
Local dealers showed some disposition to bay such lots as were offered cheap, although tue de mand for the interior continue, very limited: this, bowever, is not an unusual circuinstance during the month of July. The saler realized mark prices at fo: good Guatemala and Costa Rica, with sightly higher prices proportionately for the lower qualities, which are those in most demand 11ood unwashed Anivador can be obtained to a limited extent at 193c, but there are no buyers at this figure. Several of (be large hold-ra are no' sellera nt the ab ve rates, and, having confideace la the article. prefer to await further development: hut the market closes weak, owing to a decl.ne In New York since 28th ult. The New York market rang durinz th first week of the period un review tween for tar Rio cargoes, but bee declined since, closing on the 30th alt.
at The estimate. of short crops in Brazil remain uncontra licted. Sales from firs: hands since last review have been: For over and shipment. 26:2 2004 Guatema 'a, at 20g and 520 bags good un waaled Salvador, at 20c ID; tor shipment to Australia, 317 bags good Guatemala and 212 bags good Costa Rica, on terms reserved: an. for local consumption: 50 bags Costa Rica fair, 19c it: 60 bags Costa Rica common to ordinary, 10: 180 bars good unwashed, bieacbed, 19c A ID: 194 hagSalvador, good unwashed.
19 tb: 56 b- Guatemala, good, A It: 105 bags Guatemala, fair, It 350 ta: im, 7 ID: 11.5 bags inferior to or linary, 13 16'20 1b. Pro 'ace and Merchandise Receipt The receipts of California Farm Prod.C At this port for the month of Jul were as follows: Flour. qr -ks. 159.7€4 Pits Sknx, bdl 1.217 Wt Pa 1: .1.50 1.374 Paper. rm4 2.46.
Pile .22 1.509 Ask 1. 6 Data, 7.520 Borax. 6.42 Corn. et14 23.976 o8l oil, ...134.016 cils. 600 Wine.
sal, 5. Bran. sks 14.911| van ly. gals 7.5401 Midd.ing9, ctis. 3.426 Lumber, ft 10.1 23.969 Posts.
29 750 01. Ous. 11.465 ties No 123.52: Wol. 9.247 M1.8 ard, Beans. 3.503 Spingies.
M. 13.074 Hav. 10 15 12,749 Salmon. 94 Straw. t.
877 Butter. 803.700 389. brese, Rs. ..3 0.700 I cat or. ria 1.632 2,3, de 1.480 2,30.
lid. No The receipts of California Butter. Cheese and Figgs were, according to sources, as follows: Butter, Cheese, fa*gs. Pounds Pounds. Dozen.
465,100 96.903 ast .838.600 53,100 9,900 Totals. .803.700 310.700 106.853 .173,700 73.100 227.270 Torals 977.400 883,400 334.12 The of California Wheat were 1.506.373 of shich the following quantity leaded for ex At Port do 1.0-1.403 California receipts. 1.504.375 Leaving for Incal consumpti Oregon re 2..063 tai for 449,133 The receipts of produce, from Oregon. Washington Territory and Alaska during the month were as follows: Plour. QT .2 48 Laths.
..1.25 Wheat. tla .21.063 Salmon, 13 12.:50 do Bran. sk 2.850 (odf-h. Winol. ble 3.48 1 Oyster-, aks 8 5 Short 1,987 Hi les, No 4.05; 'val.
.63,057 Pelts. Flatse d. 453 Skins, 32. 1 Lumper, A The receipts by sea during July 5161 bags Coffoc. 17.225 bols Cemeat, 1344 pkg 9606 tons Foreign 4150 tons Fastern Coal, Hides.
1:67 bis Hemp. 925 tons Pg Iron. 250 tons ('oke, 25) bbl4 Molasses 6564 pga Nalis, 125 bels Lard Oil, 134- b.8 hina 941 hbl4 257 various Oils, 29 225 bars Rice, 1485 ingots Tin, 1432 bbla Whi-ky. 2. 23 snap.
158.413 bags Sugar, 12.382 Tie. 2085 bia 8083 Steel Rails, 11.705 bx Tin I'late. 3550 bis Jute, 1344 bble Resin. The overland receipts during the month in Tinde 117.200 Ms Hama and Bac n. 173,:00 Its Batter.
Cheese, 227.2:0 doz Egs. bxa landles, 176.200 its Lard, 427 pkg Naila. 3097 ca Coal Oil. 710 pegs various Oils 1250 bbl4 Spirits, 623 bhis Whisky, 3291 br 1151 pkgs Starch. 755 pkgs 91,700 Its Tobacco, 11.776 lbs Ginseng.
2661 c4 Canned Goods, 969 pkgs Beer, 330 c3 Turpen tine. 4700) its Opium, 1000 bxs 215 c4 Larottes, 3490) pkgs Paper, 430 cs Boots an 1 Shoes. YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. Wheat Still Unsettled -Barley Firm and in Fair Demand. The Wheat market is still unsettled.
It supposed that business will be resumed on the Call Board next Monday or Tuesday. It is generally conceded now that the adjournme it was the wisest thing that could have been tone. owing to the condition of the market. The proposition made by the ring brokers i4 ing very generally agreed to by sellers, and It 3 soon as all have signed the agreemen: ness will be resumed, bot it is expected a. much lower figures, It is at present impossibic to give anything like reliable gautations.
Chicago Wheat market, Auzust 4th: SeasionDeitvery, 1st. 2d. 3d. 3d. Cash.
681 August. 673 681, 694 70 71. 714 71 New York Wheat market. August 4th: 80 7914 80 August, 79 September. 804 80 October.
81 Niven: bor 83 The prices of futires at Liverpool As reported at the Prod ice Exchange were as foilows: 4 ng. Sept. Oct. 34. 6s 11 de 11d 75 2d August 4th.
6s 68 11d August Choice Feet Barley was firmly beld ai higher figures yesterda, Some hollers were asking even 88 gi as 05 per cental. No sales were reported at that figure. St: letly choice Feed will seil readily at $1 024 per cental. Brewing is dull. New stock is not wanted at all.
althouch it was reported tha purchases were being made in the country for Eastern shipment by rail. The market still continnes over-suppited with all kinds of fruit. There is no demand for Raspberries. Strawberries are dull. Blackberr.es sell moderately, Early Crawford Peaches are overripe and meet with no sale.
Late Crawford P. aches are beginning to come in and bring from 40c to 50c per basket. River Prunes are not worth quoting. A ready sale Is reported for good German Prunes. Poor quality of anripe Grapes are plentiful.
Choice Apple: are scarce. Common and poor stock hang heavy on the market. Cantaloupes are arriving slowly. Lodi Watermelons are in full supply. Vegetable market remains about the same.
Green Corn is arriving in large quantities and the demand is moderate. There are DO Wax Beans in the market, Lima Beans sell well and String Beans slowly, The market in very poorly supplied with Honey. The demand is good, and no stock arriving te meet it, prices have advanced. Potatoes are advancing. Peerless are arrivng in small lots and are in good demand.
Sweet Potatoes are coming in slowly and meet with ready sale. The demand for choice ranch Eggs is good and sales are occasionally made at 29c and 38c. Receipts of Poultry are light, Stock' clans up well and prices have advanced. The Butter market in in good condition. We AFTERNOON 350 10:82 151 309 Maxio.
250 350 Ophir 150 150 Bulll 300 250 V. 100 Peer. 300 100 Peerless. 350 Cro 250 300 220 100 100 Crocker. 1 150 300 150 Utah Union.
3 230 N.4 20 04 15! CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bid Bid. Asked 2 10 2 15 Lady 60 6 50 1 39 1 35 Mexican. 40 85 90 Nev Belcher. 80 00 Over Ophir. man 8 8 90 Baltimor.
Peer. Bodie. Chollar. 5 19 1 83888 Silver Potosi. Scorpion.
H. A Ur 8 Nevada Fd Treas. 50 Union. 00 20 25 Jacket. Utah.
otH0 201 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Bid. Bid. 7 64s An-N Ass.110 119 8 4s Peg. 1263 Insur.1224 Dry B. 105 Comel 130 Mk-4t R.
130 Fire Fund.140 Hom Mut. 160 NP R. 98 State 101 of Cal. San 100 Oak Ga Ba. Union.
117 8PRR Bs. Atlantic D. 40 49 Sp Ba. 198 Cal 200 Ir Bs.100 Giant Pow 60 65. Central 25' dafety Nit Clay-st 50 Vig City 75 Vulcan Cal-st R.107% Cal Art St Geary 107 Cal Dry D.
924 0m 52 54 Elec W. Presidio R. 474 48 Cal 135 Cal St. 500 8p Wat. 100 101 4 Gas Capital Gs.
53 Tel. 62 Central Gs 81 90 Haw Com. Oak 38 Judson Af. 15 Pac Gs Im. 674 Ex Bid.100 6 Gas L.
693 Oak Art St. 500 Bane Pac Cal Saf De. 50 Pac RI ML. 96. First 116 Plo WI Mi.100 150 Pac Bank.
150 175 Pae I N. 45 614 BAT.EA. 50 Haw 30-Presidio R. 48 50 120 Sp. 50 Bafety 9 20 ...100 $2000 Mk-st The Market at New York.
Spenal Dispatch to the CHRONICLE NEW YORK, August 4. -Mining shares closed dull. Amador. $1 10: Bodie, 81 95: Brunswick, 81 50; California and Virginia, $18 bid: Deadwood, $3 15: $8: El Cristo, 84 95: Homestake, $13 50: Mexican, 84 95: North Belle Isle, $9 50: Navajo. $1 40: Sutro Tunnel.
35c: Security, $3 90; Standard, 81 40; Tornado, $1 05. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. -Calcutta Grain Bags in job lots for July and August delivery, $7 75; spot, 87 75; Potato Gunnies, 10c; Wool Bags. 344-Ib, 30c: do 4-lb, 82c. BRICKS -California Hard, $9 75 Red.
$7 88 75(07: Face Brick, $25 Bath; Brick, 60c 9 dozen: English Fire Brick. M. BROOMS- ommon Patent, No. 8, for 82; do Ring Necks. $1 75: Extra Patent, 83 No.
1. 75 for No, 2 and 82 50 for No. 3: Parlor Little Beauty), $2 50; Patent Star corrugated, No. 1 83 50. No.
2. 83 25, No. 3, $3: Patent Star, tin lock Fastern Brush). No. 1, 84 50: No.
2,84: No. 3, 83 75; No. 4. 83 50; Mill and Stable. No.
0, 81: No. 1.83 50: No. 2, 83: Ship, 83: galvanized bands. 50c extra: painted extra. Wisp and Toy Brooms- Toy 62: -handled Wisps.
81 75: 1 and 2 string wood handled Wisps. $1 75: 1 and 2 string velvet-top Wisps. 3-string do, 82 25. Subject to trade discount. BREAD, ETC-In cases containing 25, 50 and 80 its each: Alphabet, 7.
tb, 12c: Assorted. 10c; Assorted Extra, 12c: Bananas, 14c: Boston. 8c; Butter, To: Charms, 12c; Cocoanut Cakes, 14c; Cocoanot Taffy (akes, 14c: Congress, 16c; Cracknell, 20c; Cracker Meal. 7c: k.gg Jumbles, 14c: Excelsiors, 12c; Fruits, 10c: Galetta. 7c: Ginger Cakes, 7c: Ginger Nuts.
11c; Graham, Honey Cakes, frosted, 14c; Jenny Lind, 9r: La Grande, 9c: Lemon, 9c: Lunch, 8c; Me lalifons, 12c; Milk, 8c: Milk. fancy, 9c; Monitors. 8c; Nick Nacxa, 11c: Novelties, 12c: Numerals, 12c; Oat Meal, 100; Overland, 9c: Oy -tors, Palace, mixed, 14c; Pearl. Tc: Picnic. 6c: Picnic, extra, Tc; Water, AC: Wines, de: Ship Breal, 3c: Pilot Bread, 34c: Pilot Bread, extra, 4c; Animal and Notinn Bisc.
12c; Dalry Biscuit for invalids. 18c for plain, and 20 for iced: Charcoal Biscuit fur dyspeptics. -4c. BROOMCORN- -Wharf prices, ton. according to quality.
CANNED California varieties, Tabie Fruits. a doz, Assorted, 81 81 85: Blackberries. 81 Gooseberries, 81 Raspberries, 82 76: Strawberries, 82 50: Black Cherries, $1 90; White Cherries. $2 75; Currants. $2: Muscatel Grapes, 81 50.
Apples. $1 H5: Partlett Pears, e-rted. $1 50: Prunes, $1 40: Apricota, $1 81 80: Nectarines, 82602 25; Peaches, $2 25; Quinces, $2. Quotations, 2-th tins are: Jellies of all kind. $1 75 doz; assorted Apricot, Plum, Pear.
Peach, Gooseherry and Quince Jams. si Blackberry, Currant and Haspberry, 82 25: Strawberry Jams, 32 25. COAL--Cargo lots to arrive and on spot are quotable as follows: To arrive. Spot. Australian $7 1221 25 $7 37 steam.
37 50 West 5000 62 7 62 Bentch Sphint. 37 50 50 5007 69 50 Lebien Lump 00.214 60 20 00 Cumberland, 9 0 via 3 25 10 00 hard. 00 16 00 COFFEE- -The various de riptions of Centrai American Coffees are quotable AS follows: Guatemala, good green. 23 4 24c: Guatemala, fir green, 21 Naive lor. good green.
unwashed, Java, 25 25c; Costa Rica, 22, CEMENT. ETC. -Portian1 Cement, $3 $3 75 bbl: Eastern sendale, $2 50: Plaster. California Building. do Eastern, 83; Santa Cruz Lime, 81 75: Fire (lay, English, mer.can, Brick Dust, $4.
CANDLES- We quote the product of the Mission 8 ap and Candle Works as follows: Mission Chemical Wax, 14-oz, 3 do. 16-07, do. Solar Sperm, 14-02. 14c; do, 16-07, T6c: do. Adamantine, 12-07, 12c: 14c; C.
W. Monogram), 9c: do, Hotel, Miners' Lantern. fill weight, 20c; San Francisco Calle Company's Crystal War. do, 14- 2. Stearie Acid, 14-07, 13c, Star.
14-07, 12 Eureka. 14-07, 12c: fa*gle, 12-07, Cincinnati, 12-07, 9c: Adamantine, 124c: Harknew' Patent War, 14c: Werk's Stearic Acid. 16 oz. 40s, 180: 14-oz, 20s. Merriam Morgan (late Thayer de Para line Wax, 49 and 68, 15c; 1s and 2s.
17c. CORDAGE- Sisal. Manila. Rope, Lach (7-16 diameter) and up ward 11c 12c Hope. 12-thread Rope, 6 and 9 tureal (4 and 5-16 for diameter of 120 13c Rope transmission power Bale Rope, 2.
3, 4. 5 and 6 thre 11c 12c Whal- Line 144c Mariln ani Lio 15c Hawser laid Rope for well-boring, 13c Sand-pump lines, for 180 Sash cord. in coils or Clotheslines, in hanks. 13c 14c Tarre-1 Tarred Lanyard. 124c Tarred Singie YarD.
11e 120 Lath Yarn. 11c Twine for Hops (dry or tarred) 12c 13c Twine for Paper. 2 thread. 13c Twine for Grapevines, in balls. 12c 13c Binder 13 Hinder Twine.
Manila, 5 Binder Twine. Manila. Sisal. Ten-tho sard-po and invoices, discount Mic tb. days or 14 A cent off for cash.
Cartage on all deliveries Extra lengths and sizes and Santia cot Ic extra. DRUGS AND Alum. c. Acids--Nitric, Oxalic, 18e: Cal. Ralphuric, 2 Tariaric, concentrat'd.
80 diez. Baume.in carboys and an4, 124c7 th: 85c; Washing Ammonia. in carboys and cans, 10c a 10; in pints. 81 75; in quarts, $2 50: 64 50 a doz; Muriate, 18c a in: Chloride of Potash 230: Cream Tartar, Gam Campbor. 35c: Bi-Carb Boda, Soda Ash, 81 70 0 $1 75: Caustic, 3 Blue Vitriol, al Soda.
Pacific. 81 20 ctl: $1 25: Borax, concentrated, 4c in: refined, la 8e: Sulphar, California, powdered, 2c; Rolt Sulphur, 33, Quinine, 9 ounce: Gum Arabic, 10. EXPLOSIVE The following are theschedule rates: Small lots. Car lots, No. 1 Dynamite, No.
No. No. 2.. No. 2 25 No.
24c No. 3. 21440 These prices are subject to change without notice. PISH-Pactic cod, catch of 1886, 6c and 7c A for bundles, cases and boneless. respectively Eastern Smoked Herrings, $00 35c 3 box: Dutch do, 25.
kit: Eastern Mackerel, No. 1, 15-15 Kits, 81 6702: 12-1b. 41 5041 80. No. 2, 12-t, $1 4001 50: Mess Mackerel, hf-bbis, 15-in its, $2 bf-bbla, 89 50 010: No.
2, 88 5009: Kait Saimon, bhls, $10; bt do. 45 a 85 50: Salmon Bellies, hf-bbis. $7 50 08 50; do. kita, 31 75; Tongues and Sounds, 61 2500 $1 7 kit: White Fish, kits, 61 brbhis, $90 10; Boneless Her rings, small pkgs, 3. box, 50; do, large size, $1 75, heavy Sole, 216300: good medium, 234 good light, damaged, 16040c; Har co, heavy, do No.
2. 26 27 poor, 225c: Kips, doz: Side Leather. foot: Leather, 13015c A foot: Splits. Buff, 14c 7 ID; Side Spilts, 834 0c LUMBER-The retati price of the Callfornia Lumber Exchange for July. 21, 1887, is as follows: Pine, rough, merchantable, A Pine, rough, No.
17 Pine, rough, 41 to 50 feet 23 Pine, rough, 51 60 feet 23 Pine, Pine, rough, selected. 61 to 70 feet 00 Pine, clear. Pine. Fencing, lid, odd lengths 00 T. and G.
Flooring, U. Flooring, 00 T. and U. Plooring, 14x8, 1x8 and narrower T. and G.
Flooring, No. Stepping. Stepping. No.1 Red wood, rough. Redwood, rough, No.
do, selected. do, Red No. 1 do. No. do, merchantable.
do, inch. Redwood, T. 6 in. in. 12 and Redwood.
7 to 11 Redwued, T. 6 in. under 7 Redwood, Redwood, Redwood, rustle, No. Bended, 12 ft. and over 00 Redwood, 1 Beaded, 7 to 11 ft.
Redwood, Beaded, under Redwood, siding. Pickets, fancy. Pickets, rough pointed. Pickets, rough do, fancy Shakes, Lathe, 50 Laths, 1 Furring, lineal Battens, lineal MALT LIQUORS Albion Ale, cask, 39 galls, 821: 60 galls, 830; hr bbls, Porter, Cal Lager 92 call bbir, 50: bols, 43 25: or bb14, 50; 1-6 bbis, 81 50; Fredericksburg Brewery- In casks, $13; pta, 814. less usual discount to the Albion Ale and Porter- In bbis, 8 dozen pints, 312; 4 doz qris, 811 Fredericksburg (Plisen) dos pts, 31 50; 6 dox arts, 318 50: Baca Export Bottled Lager Beer, in casks cone taininz 6 dos qrt bottles.
818: 10 dos pts 50, less discount of 10 a cent on lots of 10 cases; Phillp Best Brewing Co' Milwankee Lager Cask containing 6 doz bottles, 816g 816 50: Schlita's Lager Casks, $15 50 for orta and 316 50 for pta; Fall do 16 50 for gria and $17 for pts; Rebstock's Louis Lager- Orts 818 50; Bass' AleCasks, $15: Stout, $45050; Joules, Tennent'8 Ale- Orts and pts. Gainness Stout 25; do Stout (Johnson's). 83 75. MATTING. Common, 85 A roll of 40 yards: medium contract, 50; fine do, $7 Imperial, extra fancy, METALS We quote Pig Iron, spot and to arrive, as follows, In 100-ton lots: To arrive Spot 00 Glengarnock 24 Shot's No.
00 Clay Lane 22 50 American Soft, No. 28 50 30 Clipper Gap, Nos. 1 18 4, in quotable at 23 50 ton; Oregon Pig Iron, No. 1, No. 2, 621.
Tinplate, 04 box for co*ke: Terne: 83 50; Sidney Tin 24c ib; Pig Lead, bar Lead, Sheet Lead, Drop Shot. $1 80 Buck Shot, Chilled Shot, 62 20: Lend Pipe, 7c. SALMON Canned on river, $1 55: San Francisco delivery, $1 60; Baccae mento, (1 40; Alaska, 61 40. SALT -Liverpool Salt from Warehouse! Holmes' extra sifted, Ashton's factory Ailed and Higgins' Eureka. $29 50 7 ton in 200-1 ska, $26 in 50-lb ska: Wellington, Worthington.
Bower, Hickson, Cheshire Company, In sks, In 100-Ib in 50-Ib sks, California fine, do, course, WOOD, cord, 50: Oak, 50; Peeled Oak, 89 50: Redwood. 5 50; Redwood Posta, 10 each; road Ties, No. 1, ench: Tanbark, ground, $20 ton; whole, old, 016 a ton; new, 815. Real Estate Transactions. The following real estate transactions were zecorded yesterday: Jacob Zobel to Achim Rachmoonim Associa: tion, lot 23x80 on line of Taylor street, 00 feel of Sacramento, 84000, Caroline V.
Smith and husband to -Max Sachse, lot on line of Golden Gate avenue, 100 feet east of Stener street, $12.300, Mar Sachse to Edith A. Sachse, same, gift. Margaret Ulsuver H. Wadsworth, lot 275 on line of Flibert street, 187.6 of Pierce, $10. George Vilas to H.
L. Dodge, lot 27x72 on line of Lake street, 105:6 of Eleventh ave nue, 810. D. Callaghan to Julie Gascon, lot. on SW corner of Ashbary and Waller streets, $10.
Rudolph to Gearge M. Mcaean, lot 20x 137:6 on line Larkin street, 117:6 of Filbert, 8900. Amelia Carvalho, by attorney, to F. F. Ledger, lot 6, block 57, Paul Tract lots 20 and 21.
bio 52, City Land Ase sociation, and lot 50x120 line of Ambarsi street, 100 feet of Dwight, 8150. Savings and Loan Society to F. C. Anderion, lot 18 in block 96, Central Park Homestead, $500. Oliver Eldridge to E.
M. Bonetti, lot 91, biock 944, Golden Gate Park Homestead, $100. Maria Thomas to D. Borrone, lot 20x60 on line of Vallejo street. 153:6 of Jones.
$2500. W. Sears to Isabel M. Whitney, lot 38x 132 on line of Pacitic street, 167 feet of Franklin, 85. John E.
Jenner and wife to Thomas W. Thompkins, lot 26x75 on SW corner of Jersey and Church streets. Jeremiah Lyons to Mary A. Lynch, lot on line of Serpentine avenue. 109 feet of Polsom street, E50, 5115, 19, to a point, to beginning, 85.
C. Spanet to L. B. Stern, Tot on NW corner of Thirtieth avenae and Clement street, 135, 80. SE 130, to beginning.
$5. Joseph Moore, by attorney, to E. Werthelmer, 1 25x90 on NW corner of Ridley and Valencia streets, $5. Mikael Frishholz to Ellis Hughes, lot 20:80 an line of Folsom street, 57:6 NE of Sixth, $3000. Elizabeth C.
Peltret, by guardian, to Geotge A. Clinton, lot 25 x100 on 5 line of Harrison street, 50 feet of Tweaty-sixth, 8376. Margaret Searle to W. Murphy, 20x 57:6 on line of Prescott place, 57:6 8 of Vallejo, gift. J.
F. Johnston and wife to F. 8. Kel'y, lot 30 x90 on line of Valencia street, 125 meet of Twenty-sixth, $1900. J.
J. 0 Brien to Isaac Liebes, lot 75x100 01 line of A street, 82:6 of Seventh avenue, -and lo: 100x100 on line of street, 39 feet of Eighth avenue, W. A. Church to W. Wadleigh, trustee, lots 23 and 24, block 19, Market street Homestead Association, $110.
Robert W. Deane to T. M. Deane, lot 25x70 on NW corner Sixth street and Julian avenue, ift. P.
Gunn to P. Jacobovies, part Outside Lands blocks 714 and 727 and all block 713. A. L. Lengield to Mary L.
Treanor, lot 100x 120 on line of Fourteenth avenue, 150 feet of Clement. 81800. C. A. Fischer to L.
Liebes, lot SW of Twenty second avenge and Lake street, $10. Strassburzer to Emma Joseph, lot 226x 240 OD NW corner of street and Thirtysixth avenue: and lot £25x210 on 8W corner of street and Thiry sixth avenue. 810. R. Perry and wife to J.
Cross, lot 25x114 on line of Hanco*ck street, 130 feet of Noe. $2030. S. Sider to C. H.
McMahon lot 25x100 on line of Sanchez street, 26:0 feet of ninth, $10. Sarah E. Hondley to Milo Hondley, lot 97 our 8 line of Bush street, 50 feet of Lyon, gift. James F. Whittle et al.
to John Farrell, lot 20 on 8 line of Sliver street, 255 feet NE of Fourth, 842). P. Kelis to J. N. McIver, lot 25x75 on NW line of Natoma street, 300 feet NE of Seventh, 810.
F. Ashby to George J. Marsily, lot 6 in block 23, West End Map No. 1, $50 Paul Rousset to Emile Pascal, all blocks 630, 709. 723.
724, 725. 799, 739, 740, 744. 745. 797, 805, 806, 981 and part of blocks 107, 719, 718, 747 798, W. Dannals to.
H. Kuhn, lot 28x100 on line of Valencia street, 175 feet 8 of Nineteenth, $10. Lanra M. Gashwiler to P. Jacobovics, lot on block 813 Outside Lands, $10.
V. Huntington to R. W. Dean, lot 50x100 on line of street, 32:6 of Elgateenth, $300. to C.
W. Randall, lot on line of Jackson street, 110 feet of adero; and lot 25 x110 on line of Devisadero street. 102:84 of Washington, $5. George C. Smith and wife to A.
0. Boyd, lot on F. corner of Third and Folsoto streets HE 23, 65, SE. 24:6, NES, NW 49:6, SW 76 to beginning, $10. J.
Brickell to F. Gunn, Outside Lands block 1018, $10. SUN AND TIDE TABLE. PACIFIC STANDARD TINE Computed by Thor Teanent, Caranamater and Instrument Maker. 15 Market street.
HIGH WATER LOW WATER. Small. Large. Small. Large.
51 1:87 PM A 6:28 P.M. 6:29 A Sun 5:16 Sun ...,...,.7:14 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. sales at the different A EXCHANGE BOARD. SESSION. 100 Independence 80c 100 83c 50 Kentuck.
400 Knic 1 03 100 Locom. 100 White. 250 Mexic 4 400 Nav Q. ROC 550 Nev 4.... 5 150 320 200 Overmaa.
95 200 Peerl 1 20 3'0 Potosi. 495 Savage. 100 :5 100 8 400 Trojan 5c 150 Union. 8 550 Utah. 80 620 200 Am g450 SEISION, 300 Locom.
100 Wht. 50 Mex. 25 200 Mono 70 200 500 Nev 12 800 N.Deel. .750 80c 570 Ophir! 150 Ov 200 Peer 900 Peerless 1 20 200 100-Potosi. 200 100 Nev.
25 Tune 100 Umon. 30 50 100 110 EXCHANGE SEIION. 450 Lady 250 Ophir. 200 Overm. 400 1 200 100 8 Nev.
700 Union. 400 50 7 Arrived-THURSDAY, August 4. 8tmr San Vicente, Smith, 12 hours from Santa gimr Cruz: produce to Goodall, Perkins Co. Point Arena, Kachen, 13 hours from Point Arena: pass and mose to Iverson: Jensen-put in here to land passengers; will proceed to San Diego. Stm schr Laguna, Bose, 63 hours from Hu eneme: produce to Field Stone.
Btmr Greenwood, Erickson, hours from Novo: 8600 Fallrond ties to White. Surp Carrolton, Lewis, 10 days from Seattle: 2400 ins coni to Renton Co. Ger Liverpool; bark 1123 Armin, tons coal Burhorn, to 156 days Wilson from Meyer, Co. Schr Emma and Louisa, Engeniandsen, 40 hours from Greenwood: lumber White Alvion: 73 lot lumber to I Wetherbee: Schr Kirchon, 48 hours from Cleared-THURSDAY, August 4. Stmt Oregon, Polemann, Astoria; Oregon Raflway and Navigation Stmr George W.
Elder, Ackley. Victoria: Goodall. Perkins Co. STIDT Humboldt, Manson, Eureka: Bearles Stone. Br ship Crown Denmark, Howes, Queens: town; John Rosenfeld.
Br ship Pinmore, Maxwell, Queenstowns Wm Dresbach, Sailed- August Stmr Gipsy. Plummer. Lompoc. Stmr West Coast, Higgins, Westport. Stmr Eastern Oregue, Patoni, Taquina Bay, Stmr Point Arena, Eschen, Point Arena.
Br ship Benicia, Taylor, Queenstown. Ship George Stetson, Wood, Liverpool. Boi bark Bundaleer, Williams, Nanaimo. Schr Parkersburg, Schroeder, Coquille Hiver, Pannonta, Moore, Schr Coquille, Brandenberg. Coquille River, Schr Phelps, Hansen, Mendocino.
Schr H. Knapp. Halbeck. Westport. Bill the Butcher, Christensen, Bowen' Landing.
Schr Ester Cobos. Zaddart, Fish Rock. Behr WaiL, Christensen, Crescent City. Importations. SANTA CRUZ-Per San Vicente 5 bbis heads, 34 has fruit, 1 bx 3 bas cheese, 1 bs butter, 850 bbis lime, 1 bdl spokes.
Soquel-1582 aks wheat. RUENEME Per Laguna-4638 ska barley. 104 sks mustard, bdis pelts, 61 ca honey. Consignees. Per San Vicente- A Man Mo Laughlin; Russ, Rouse Sanders Co: Co Wolf, Brown Co; I Tilden Co: M.
Atchinson de Co; Cofer, Hills Co; Davis de Lowell, Per -Fleid Stone: Erlanger Galinger. Miscellaneous. Ben Pedro Aug 4-John Byrnes, second englueer of the stmr Eunily, has inysteriously disappeured; he bias been missing for tiro days Telegraph. POINT LOBOS. Auz.
4-10 Weather thick: wind SW velocity, 20 miles per hour. Domestic Porte. WHITESBORO Sailed Aug 4 Brig Dencon. Port ALBION RIVER Sailed Aug Schr Libion, San Francisco. Arrived Ang 3- Schr Tranhoe, hence July 10.
BOWEN'S LANDING Sailed Ang 4. Schr Bessie Everding, San Francisco. PORT Arrived July Harvester, hence July ROCK PORT Sailed Aug 4 Stunt Ferndale. SAN PEDHU Salled Ang 4-Schr Rebeo ca. Enreka.
Arrived Schr La Gironde, Eareka. PORT Ang Br bark Hasquina, Valparaiso: bkta Mary Winkelman. Honolulu, Eastern Ports. NEW YORK Arrived AUg 4 Stmri California, Hamburg: Nordiand, Antwerp, Foreign Porte. PANAMA Sailed Tuly 20--Br stmr South NEWCASTLE, -Salled July 28 Be bark Therallebank, San Pedro QUEENSTOWN Arrived Aug 2- Br ship Britannica, As Germanic, New Yorks SOUTHAMPTON- Arrived Ang Aller, New York..