Predator 212 Compression Release (2025)

1. Compression release stuck? -

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  • Predator 212 non hemi. Has started becoming a bit of a pain to start. Before you barely had to pull on the start cord and have the throttle at idle to start. Now I have to hold the throttle about half open, and really yank on the cord to get it to fire with the choke on. Which then has the bike...

2. Predator 212 compression, stock and modified............ - DIY Go Karts

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  • A member posting on another thread, BigWes, advised that the stock Predator in that thread should have 90-100 psi cylinder compression. Don't know where he found that, but I looked for it a long time, never did find it. You out there Wes? Okay, anybody, please help me answer my compression...

Predator 212 compression, stock and modified............ - DIY Go Karts

3. 212 Hemi predator compression? | Bob's 4 Cycle Karting

4. Predator 212 stock compression | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum

  • Dec 22, 2015 · When the engine is stopped, the small arm moves in to the path of the tappet. It bumps the Exhaust valve open briefly on the compression stroke.

  • I have looked all around on the Internet and can't find it when checking a predator 212 with a compression gauge with stock compression what should the reading be ?

5. compression |

6. Clearance-ing the Predator 224 and Wildcat 58mm crankshafts

  • Aug 30, 2022 · The compression release failing is like a grenade going off in your engine with shrapnel ripping apart your engine. You risk several hundred or ...

  • The Predator 224, Wildcat 223, and EC 236R use 58mm stroke crankshaft to increase their displacement over 212 engines. The 58mm crankshaft may need clearance-ing for the compression release and camshaft lobes. Here we should you want adjustments that need to be made and the correct components that fit these engines.

7. TP Threaded Top Compression Release - TP Engineering

  • Description · 1. Press the button and the compression release valve is open. · 2. Engage the starter. With the compression release open, as the · 3. As soon as the ...

  • » TP Threaded Top Compression Release | Premier manufacturer of performance v-twin engines and engine components

8. Compression Release Springs - NR Racing

  • 212 Predator · Stage 1 · Stage 2 · Stage 3 · Stage 4 · Mud Motor Kits · 224cc Predator ... Spring, Camshaft ...

  • We specialize in Honda GX120, GX160, GX200 and 6.5 Clone Performance for Karting, 1/4 Midget, Mini Bike, Mokai, Winch Boarding, Tractor Pulling, and Bar Stool Applications. Championship winning motors for QMA, USAC, BSP, AKRA, WKA, & ASN

9. Compression release on big block clones

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  • Compression release on big block clones Big Block Talk!

Predator 212 Compression Release (2025)


How much compression should a predator 212 have? ›

Just double checking 10.5:1 compression recipe for Predator 212.

What is a compression release on a dirt bike? ›

It is a spring loaded valve that opens on the compression stroke and closes on the intake stroke forcing the cylinder to draw a large vacuum slowing the piston's downward movement dramatically (especially effective on a 2 stroke engine).

How much horsepower can you get out of a Predator 212? ›

User reviews note it could reach 11.8 hp, so it seems you'll get some kick out of it. However, most people will gravitate toward the 6.5 hp options as those have more uses, can be replacements for many machines, and are far cheaper.

How much HP does 1 compression add? ›

The generally accepted gauge for adding compression is that one full point of compression can add between 3 to 4 percent power. So, if an engine is making 50 horsepower and we add a full point of compression (from 11 to 12:1 for example), this could potentially push the power to 51.5 horsepower.

Is 130 bad compression? ›

But a good rule of thumb says that each cylinder in a mechanically sound engine should have compression of 130 psi or higher.

What does compression release do? ›

A compression release mechanism works to ease the starting of internal combustion engines by allowing them to rotate to starting speed without having to work against the compression of the pistons.

How do you calculate compression release? ›

Now, When calculating the release time of your compressor, there is one number that always stays the same, and that number is 60,000. The reason this number is always used, is because there are 60,000 ms, in one minute. What we're going to do, is take the bpm of the song, and divide 60,000 by that bpm.

What is the minimum compression for a 2 stroke dirt bike? ›

How much compression should a 250 2-stroke have? If you mean for a compression test; A 50cc - 200cc should be 120-190 PSI. A 250cc should be 170-240 PSI.

How much HP does a Predator 212 Stage 2 make? ›

At Stage 1, the kit comes with a variety of performance parts, including air filters, choke brackets, jets, valve springs, gaskets, and more. Stage 2 includes everything in the Stage 1 kit with the addition of a bored carb for up to 12 HP.

How many rpms does a Predator 212 have? ›

The predator engine has a governor that limits its' rpm to that 3800rpm target. It can be adjusted so the target pm is anywhere between about 2800, and 4000 rpm.

What horsepower is a Predator 212? ›

Harbor Freight Predator 212cc 6.5HP Technical Specs
Horsepower6.5 HP
Engine TypeHorizontal Single Cylinder 4-stroke OHV
Cooling SystemForced air cooled
Fuel Type

Why is the predator 212 so popular? ›

If you are looking for one of the best go-kart and mini-bike racing engines in the market, the Predator 212 will surely fit your needs. The Predator 212 engine is arguably the most popular in its class primarily because of its great cost-to-performance ratio.

What is ideal compression psi? ›

Most gas engine's compression should be between 125 and 175 PSI while a diesel will generally fall between 275 and 400 PSI. Remember to write down each of your findings. If one or more cylinders looks to be way off in PSI, you can re-run the test again just to check.

Is 125 psi low compression? ›

No cylinder should have a pressure lower than 75% of the highest recorded value. In this example the highest pressure is 168 psi, so the minimum allowable value will be 0.75 * 168 = 126 psi. In this scenario cylinder # 5 is considered to have low compression, while #2 is just passing.

What is good compression for a 2-stroke boat motor? ›

If in doubt about your readings, talk with your dealer to see if they're in the ballpark. Generally, readings below 90 PSI for modern two-stroke outboards indicate a problem; most will produce cranking compression readings in the 90 to 105 PSI range, depending on the engine year, make, and model.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.